7: Psycho Dogs

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"I hate this place." I complain as Phoebe's ugly van pulls up at the school grounds.

"Yeah, not quite the way I imagined rocking back up to Bremin High." Sam agrees.

"I still don't get why we have to go to school." Jake says bitterly.

"Quit whining," Phoebe scolds us, cutting the engine. "You want the police off your backs, you go to school. Gary was on my case AGAIN this morning, so try not to do anything suspicious."

"Bit late for that." I scoff, trying to fix the awful school skirt which I'd been forced to wear in the backseat, paired along with my Vans high-tops and dark blue school polo, my hair freshly washed and left loose around my shoulders.

"You didn't have to bring us here." Felix says.

"Well, you can't just turn up to school without your Aunty Phoebe." She says, over exaggerating cheerfulness.

"She creeps me out." Sam whispers.

Andy murmurs back a quick, "Yeah." 

"At least this place hasn't changed." Sam says as the bell rings.

"Famous last words." Felix tells him. 

"Now, this is where the magic happens." Sam rubs his hands together and slides the van door open. I sigh and scoop up my bag, following him out.

"Okay, lets do this." He smiles and I raise a brow.

"Your joking." I scoff at him and he shakes his head.

"Dude, are you actually excited?" Jake asks.

"This is way better then hanging around in that lame shed," Sam says. "There's a canteen, showers."

"And a library!" Andy continues. "I can study wormholes!"

Felix looks at the rest of us. "It was like he was born without an 'off' switch."

I smirk and play with the loose tendrils of my hair, watching as the other students flooded inside the building.

"Come on." 

/ / /

"Ah, that's right, Bremin High, I'm back!" Sam flashes a smile as the five of us walk down the main corridor.

"It's that guy from the bus. Oh, he's so cute!" I smirk as I listen to the similar conversations.

"Different universe, same Sam." Sam grins widely at us.

"They're not looking at you, man." Jake laughs and Mike walks up to Andy.

"You saved the girl from the bus!" He smiles and shakes hands with him. "Your an inspiration!"

"Apparently the bus had lost control. He's SUCH a hero." Someone else said and Andy looks at us. "This is awkward."

"Just go with it, dude." I nudge his shoulder.

"I don't know what that means." He admits to us.

Sam suddenly stops walking and sighs contently when he sees Mia, who smiles and waves from across the corridor. It obviously wasn't directed at him, but he smiles back, quickly deflating when Mia shoves past him and walks over to 'Sammy', cupping his face in her hands and kissing him on the lips.

'Well this sucks." Sam grumbles, losing his smile.

"Hi again." Ellen, who had been standing beside Mia, edges nervously towards Andy. "Do you want to sit with us at lunch? We have pretty much the best spot on the oval." Jake and I smirk and try to stifle our laughs as we watch Andy flush a light pink. 

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