10: Sparkly Unicorns

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"Phoebe!" Felix banged on the door to Arcane Lane, me, Jake and Andy standing behind him. "Phoebe!"

Finally, a woman with dark makeup appears at the door and narrowly opens it.

"Do you know what time it is?" She huffs.

"We need your help."

"You were supposed to be here before school. We had a deal." Phoebe narrows her eyes accusingly at Felix.

"We went on an excursion," I tell her.

"And we got lost again." Jake continues.

"And the demon possessed Roland and tried to kill us." Felix says, putting emphasis on the word kill.

"I saw magic actually happen." Andy jumps in and Phoebe puts an hand up in surrender, opening the door slightly wider.

"OK, slow it down." She says. "Explain yourselves." The door opens fully and she lets us inside. I follow through after Andy, and Phoebe calls out to Sam, "You coming?"

/ / /

"He was strong enough to lift me off my feet, and throw me." Felix explains as we sit in the shop's back room. 

"Then I defeated the demon." Andy points out loudly.

"With the magic charm." Jake scoffs.

"And courage." He says defensively.

"So instead of sticking to our deal, you went looking for your own way home. Thanks." Phoebe says.

"We had to take the chance." I argue.

"And look where that got you." Phoebe says back.

"It was an epic fail on all fronts." Sam concludes.

"So, now you want me to help you." 

"Yes?" Andy says unsurely.

"You really have a nerve." Phoebe tells us, grinding something in a mortar. 

"Told you this was pointless." Sam says.

"You're right, I can't trust you." Phoebe nods her head in agreement."Deal's off."

"Come on. We're wasting our time." Sam stands up from his chair, but Felix scrabbles for the charm from the forest.

"Do you recognise this?" He asks, showing it to Phoebe.

"They're used for conjurations." She tells us.

"Did it belong to Alice?"

"Where did you find that?" She demands.

"The Bremin Forest."

Jake, Andy and I move over to stand next to Felix.

"The police looked there, and so did I." Phoebe says.

"It's a hidden path."

"You had to fall off a cliff to get there." I tell her. "Literally."

Felix nods. "There was another sign of Alice as well. An altar."

"It was in the same place where we got lost." Jake mentions.

 "There's a connection between you and her." She says, pointing a finger at Felix.

"Will you help us?" He asks.

"I'll let you know in the morning." 

"Phoebe!" I whine.

"What? Taylor, you should know that this face needs nothing less than 8 hours. Bye-bye. Back to your shack." She begins and then sees our faces. "What now?"

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