5: Crazy Bees

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"This porridge is gross." Andy jabs his spoon at his bowl as he tries to eat what Jake made.

"Oh, poor baby." Jake mocks, spooning the food into his mouth.

"It's not even cooked." Andy looks at the lumpy mush in disgust.

"Harden up, Andy. Porridge is the breakfast of champions." Jake concludes.

I scrunch my face up at the bowl in front of me. "I'd hate to be a champion, then." 

"Raw food movement," Sam smiles. "Cool."

I gave up on trying to eat the... whatever Jake thinks he made and drop my spoon carelessly into my bowl.

Andy reluctantly takes another bite and he clutches his stomach.

Felix walks up to us and looks down at the empty camping pot. "There's nothing left."

"You snooze, you lose." Jake shrugs. 

"Have mine if you want," I push away from the table walking over towards the beds. "Though I wouldn't recommend it."

"Great, thanks a lot so called friends." Felix says sarcastically.

"No problem, Freak." Sam smiles up at Felix.

"Would you stop calling me 'Freak?'" Felix rubs his forehead in annoyance and I roll my eyes and wrap my flannel shirt around my waist as the others all say "No."

Felix sighs with resignation and shakes his head, walking out of the shack.

"I thought freakiness was his thing?" Sam looks at us questioningly and Jake just shrugs.

"Do we have toilet paper?" Andy's stomach grumbles again. 

"Dude, we don't even have a toilet." I crinkle my nose and pull my hair into a messy bun.

Andy holds his stomach. "Ah."  

/ / /

Jake, Sam, Andy and I sit on three rocks in the centre of town. I'm sat between Jake and Sam, who holds his helmet and skateboard in his hands. 

"This is a horrible idea," Andy whispers. "We should be laying low."

"No, no, no, no. We impress a few people, elevate our social status, then it's goodbye scavenging." Sam tells us. "People will be lining up to invite us to dinner!"

I roll my eyes and look at the others.

"Speaking of jobs, we could try making some cash." Jake suggests.

"Way ahead of you big man." Sam stands up. "Hello, Bremin! Prepare to fall in love with me. Again." He smiles at us before walking off. None of us attempt to follow him.

"Fascinating," Andy looks after Sam. "It's like he's the president of his own fan club."

I notice Jake turn his gaze to a sign standing outside the estate agents, the face of his Mum emblazoned on the front. 

"This is stupid." I sigh and stand up, putting a hand on Jake's shoulder in sympathy before turning away down the street.

/ / /

Walking down Fox Way gave me a horrible sense of deja vu from merely two days ago. I shoved my hands into my jean pockets and walked closer to the house. Her house.

 To be honest, I don't really know why I thought this was a good idea. She must think I'm a complete psycho! 

And if I turn up again...?

I shake my head and take a few slow breaths. "Relax, Taylor," I tell myself as I near the end of the street.

I keep my eyes glued to the pavement and I turn off to cross the road.

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