11: Mother's Day

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"Is today Mother's Day?" Jake asks, looking at a dolphin statue. The four of us had been cleaning Phoebe's shop, wearing horribly ugly aprons. Well, everyone but Felix, who was still flipping through that damn book. 

"Yeah, that's right. Every Mother's Day, me and my brothers always promise my Mum we won't fight for the whole day." Sam tells us whilst scrubbing the glass counters.

"In our world, me and Mum would be getting ready for the game right about now." Jake says, still gazing at the statue.

"My Dad always tells me and my brother to make a card, then my brother gives my Mum the card, and she cries." Felix says.

I sigh whilst sweeping a layer of dust off the counters. "I usually stay in my room and avoid Dad and Callie." Looking down at the heart locket resting on my chest, I continue in a monotone. "For the mother I don't have."

The five of us fall to silence and Jake looks at me sympathetically before turning his gaze back to the statue. 

"Stop distracting me. This is our only protection against the demon, and it's broken." Felix says, holding up the Talisman.

"Yeah, thanks Sam." Jake says sarcastically, causing Sam to defend himself. "I was possessed!"

I scoff and roll my eyes before turning back to the cleaning.

"Did you find Alice's spell? She's your best chance to defeat the demon." Phoebe says, flipping through a glossy magazine behind the counter.

"Is she that powerful?" Andy asks disbelievingly, propping the brush he was using against his shoulder.

"Yep. I don't know what's taking you so long, Felix." Phoebe looks up from her magazine. Something soft suddenly hits my foot and I see that it's Jake's apron, scrunched up in a ball at my feet.

"Where are you going?" I ask him as he picks up a small gift bag.

"Just out." He replies vaguely, swinging the gift bag slightly behind his legs.

 I wait a moment before I nod and he pushes Arcane's door open.

"Taylor," He begins, stopping on the threshold. "Sorry. About your Mum, I mean."

I throw a slight smile to him. "It's not your fault."

He watches me for a moment before the door closes behind him and I lower my voice to a monotone, biting my bottom lip. "It was mine."

"Hey Jake, where did you put the brush and pan thing?" Andy asks, oblivious that Jake had just left.

"Oh, great." Felix says.

"Weren't we all supposed to stick together?" Sam asks and I scoff.

"Why bother. That crappy thing can't help us." I mutter. Oh, Mum...

"Dude, I was possessed!"

"Guys, the demon could be back at any time." Felix tells us, breaking the petty fight.

"And Jake's on his own." Andy continues.

Felix sighs and snaps the stupid book closed. I untie the ugly apron and toss it carelessly under the shelves, snatching my bag from the shop counter and shoving my beanie on my head. Following the others out of the shop, I thought about Mum and you know what?

I hate Mother's Day.

/ / /

"What are we gonna do if the demon comes back?" Sam asks as the four of us walk down a brick alley. "We barely escaped last time when it was my girlfriend, and she's a pacifist."

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