12: Run

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"Water, Fire, Aether, Earth, Air.

Water, Fire, Aether, Earth, Air.

Water, Fire, Aether, Earth, Air..."

Felix tucks his phone away as the spell fades out.

"You used gothed-up magic to transport us here?" Jake spat accusingly.

"And you didn't even tell us. Unbelievable!" Sam shakes his head and glares at Felix bitterly.

"I knew it. You're a true witch." Phoebe says, sounding impressed, causing Felix to roll his eyes before explaining.

"I cast a spell to make Oscar walk again. I didn't think it would actually work."

"But you lied to us, all this time!" Andy pressed.

"Because of you, we ate garbage, we slept in sheds and our mothers almost died!" Sam yells. 

"There's a demon trying to kill us!" I interject.

"We're your so-called friends! We risked our lives for you!"

Felix opens his mouth, but just shrugs. "I'm sorry."

"Is that all you can say?" Sam shakes his head with betrayal before storming out off the room. Andy sets after him, but Jake grabs his arm.

"Just let him cool off."

I grit my teeth, balling my fists together. I stepped forward to follow Sam, and this time Jake didn't stop me. Suddenly, I whipped around and watched as my fist flew across Felix's stupid face.

"You're an idiot." I spat, watching as Felix clutched his stinging cheek. "A freaking stupid idiot, too."

/ / /

"What spell did you cast?" Phoebe sits down beside Felix, who pressed an ice pack to his cheek.

Felix looks at me nervously before answering. "An unmaking spell to undo Oscar's accident. I didn't know it would unmake all of us as well."

"Well, shouldn't you have through of that before?" Jake snaps.

"At least this explains why the demon targets you. You're the magical disturbance, but why us? Of all the kids at school, why did you choose Jake, Taylor, Sam and me?" Andy asks, and Phoebe walks over to a wooden counter to flip through Alice's Book of Shadows.

"Because you have potential." Felix explains vaguely.

"I knew it! See? I have potential!" Andy smiles with achievement at Phoebe, who just rolls her eyes at his antics.

"Potential for what?" Jake asks.


"Awesome! This is not an indication of forgiveness, by the way." Andy clarifies, and Jake nods his head.

"No way."

Felix flits an hopeful eye at me, but I keep my gaze to the ground.

"So, what now?" Jake asks.

"Now we know how we got here, we should be able to work out a way home." Andy tells us.

"I thought I could find the answer in Alice's Book of Shadows." Felix waves a hand towards the book Phoebe was paging through.

"An unmaking spell? That's the spell Alice cast." Phoebe says, and Felix nods.

"Yep, except her spell went even more wrong, so that's no help." 

Phoebe glares darkly at Felix. "I'm beginning to understand why everyone hates you, Felix."

"Thanks." Felix rolls his eyes and fiddles with the ice pack. I silently scoff before Andy moves from the chair beside me and over to Felix.

Falling Hard // Nowhere BoysWhere stories live. Discover now