1: Party Disaster

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"Callie!" I call from my bedroom as I struggle with the zipper on the baby blue dress.

"What?" She replies from outside my bedroom.

"I need help!"

She pushes the door open and it resisted with a slight squeak.

Callie grins as she watches me struggle. "Oh, Taylor."

"What?" I groan in vexation, only for Callie to shake her head.

Chuckling, she steps forward and does what I ask.

 I glare at my sister. I don't mean it though- I'd been grateful when Callie had returned from Uni after she heard about me and the boys.

Smiling, Callie leads me towards my bedroom mirror.

The blue dress rests perfectly against my pale skin, my hair hanging loose around my face, the dark tendrils curled. I'd wanted to do natural makeup, and it would've looked more or less natural if Callie hadn't of forced me to wear her mascara.

"You look pretty, Taylor." Callie tells me, but I just chuckle and shake my head.

"No one will be looking at me." 

Suddenly, my phone vibrates on the bedside table, Jake blaring on the front.

Callie steps forward and picks up the phone, showing me the screen.

"I'm sure someone will." She says.

/ / /

Dad's car pulls to a stop outside the Bremin Police Station. Felix was already there, his mum standing beside him.

The rear door clicks closed and as I step onto the concrete, Mrs. Ferne rushes up to me.

"Oh, Taylor, you look beautiful!" 

I feel my cheeks heat at her words and swipe a loose strand of hair out of my face. "Thanks, Mrs. Ferne."

"We'll see you inside Taylor." Dad nudges my shoulder, walking with Callie inside the building.

Mrs. Ferne grins widely at Felix, adjusting his casual black hoodie and pulling him into a hug. 

"We'll all be watching from the front row." She reminds us, before following after my Dad and Callie.

"This is it." Andy, Sam and Jake walk towards us, each of them dressed up nicely.

"Everyone's gonna be looking at us." Jake says, grinning when he see's me.

"I know!" Sam agreed excitedly.

"This is our chance to tell the world-" Andy begins, but Felix cuts him off.

"We're not telling the world anything."

"We're going to be legends." Sam insists.

"No, really, I mean it. Magic has to be kept a secret." Felix says seriously.

"Dude, chill. This is gonna be sweet." Sam presses, causing me the shake my head in vexation.

"How can you be so cool about this?"

"What?" Sam raises a brow.

"This is going on live television. It's huge! And you're telling me to 'chill?'" I scoff.

"Taylor, relax." Sam assures me. "Where are you going?"

"Home." I fold my arms over my chest. "There's no way I'm doing this."

"Oh, yes there is." Jake catches my arm and pulls me back. "Taylor Evans- are you nervous?" He raises a mocking brow at me.

"Yes. I am. There's no way you're gonna get me in there because..." I start to rant, only for Jake to slide his hand down my arm to clasp mine. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2023 ⏰

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