Chapter 1

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A/N: This book contains mature content, and I'm not gonna put warning in the starting of the chapter as it ruins the surprise. So, if you're uncomfortable with this 18+ stuff, I'll just put a "***" sign before the scene starts and after the scene ends, so that you can skip that part. And if you ignore this note, it's not my fault. ;)

As the blonde head walked down the streets, his eyes started scanning the movements surrounding him as he finally started listening to his favourite song that was playing through the air pods. That's the thing about shuffled playlists, you just don't know when and where your favourite song might start playing but anyways you still listen to it patiently, desperately trying not to skip through the songs to finally listen to that one song.

Soobin wasn't really a person who preferred walking all the way from his apartment to university but unfortunately he had to because his car was sent for servicing. Can't believe he actually decided to take a walk instead of just booking an Uber or something.

But, now that he thinks about it, walking isn't really bad either. I mean he would've hated it if it was summer, but walking in winter isn't that bad. He instantly chuckled when he saw a woman trying to drag a kid with her, most likely to school as the kid tried everything in his power to distract the woman who he assumed as the kid's mother. As he started focusing on the song again, he saw an old couple sitting on a bench, feeding their dog a piece of bread. He couldn't help but let his lips curve into a small smile. Walking definitely isn't that bad.

He finally entered the University campus, as he suddenly felt like listening to Conan Gray, and he did exactly that. He finally stumbled upon a song he thought would match his current vibe and mood after surfing his playlist for a bit. It was the "The story" song. Finally after he was sure that the song really matched his mood, he started walking again.

All of a sudden, he bumped into someone, making him stop walking to gain his balance and figure out what just happened. Upon trying to see who he bumped into he almost jumped out of shock, because the person who he suddenly made eye contact with was staring at him with his doe like eyes that looked like the most ethereal eyes he has ever laid his eyes on. It looked almost pure, innocent, and beautiful. Like an ocean, where you won't hesitate before drowning in it.

So did you kind of wonder about how long has he stared that guy for him to explain in such details? Well let's clear your doubts, he stared him for not more than 4 to 5 seconds. Yes, that's right, even the blonde head thinks that it's crazy.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying much attention. Are you hurt by any chance?" Asked the "ethereal eyes guy", looking very sorry.

Coming out of his daze, he replied "Huh? Oh...ah..uhm...nope, no, I'm fine, are you okay though? And I'm sorry too, I wasn't paying attention either."

"Yes, I'm good. Don't worry. Uh...I'm sorry but I've a class to attend so have a great day!" Saying that, he gave a quick smile and ran off to his class before Soobin could say anything further.

"You too..." He said to no one in particular.

(time stamp:2:49)
And the movie's always running in my head~
All the people, all the lovers, all my friends~
And I hope that they all get their happy end~
In the end~
Oh, and I'm afraid that's just the way the world works~
It ain't funny, it ain't pretty, it ain't sweet~
Oh, and I'm afraid that's just the way the world works~
But I think that it could work for you and me~
Just wait and see~
It's not the end of the story~

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