Chapter 13

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"Why is your hair so messy?" Asked Kai, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Huh? Oh. I guess I messed it up while reading." Replied the blonde head, after clearing his throat.

"And why are your cheeks red?" Asked Kai, to the pink head standing beside the blonde head.

" know my cheeks get red and warm in winter." The pink head said, chuckling nervously.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot that, hehe. Binnie hyung, let's go. We both have classes to attend."

The blonde head nodded.

"I have my class too actually. So, see you guys later. Bye." Yeonjun said, giving a little wave to both of them before walking away.

"It feels like something changed between you two." Kai said, with furrowed eyebrows.

"I don't know what you are talking about." The blonde head replied, keeping his neutral face again.

"I guess it's just me, yeah? Nevermind. Let's go. Class is calling." Saying that Hyuka just shrugged and dragged the blonde with him.


"I told you I would manage, Tae. You didn't have to come all the way around." Beomgyu sighed, seeing the younger carrying a bag with him.

"I know you hyung. Even if you say that you'll manage, you'll end up forgeting about it. And I'm not letting that happen. Your tummy needs to be full on time." Saying that he came near the older and forwarded the bag.

"Take this and please eat it before it gets cold. I'll be going." Saying that the younger turned around only to be stopped by Beomgyu holding his wrist.

"Did you have lunch?"

"No." Taehyun replied.

"Eat with me."

"It's fine, i don't want to disturb your work here. I'll eat something on the way." Taehyun gave a warm smile, squishing the older's hand softly.

"It won't disturb me. Please Hyunie?" The older said softly, showing his puppy eyes.

Taehyun had to shake his head a bit to not get lost in his eyes.

"Okay, if you say so."

Beomgyu grinned widely before dragging the younger with him.

They sat on a sideway bench, and Beomgyu started taking out food from the bag.



"You look very pretty when you smile." Taehyun smiled softly.

Beomgyu froze hearing that, his cheeks starting to turn red.

"Can you not mess with me?" Beomgyu said, trying to focus on opening the food packet.

"And who said I'm messing with you?" Taehyun raised his eyebrow, before taking the food packet from the older's hand and opening it for him.

He brought the food near the older's mouth.

"Eat, hyung."

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