Chapter 12

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The blonde head started waking up when he felt a weight over his body.

"Cookie? What's up with you?" The blonde head asked in a groggy voice.

"Nothing, just sleeping here." The younger replied casually.

"Upon me?" Soobin chuckled.

"Yeah? What about that?"

"Nothing. Sleep properly then."

Saying that, the older ruffled the younger's hair, as he nodded.

Beomgyu slipped inside the comforter, now resting his head on the older's shoulder.

"Mom left?" Soobin asked, yawning.

The younger just nodded to it.

"Did something happen?"

The younger nodded again.

"Wanna talk about it?"

This time Beomgyu shook his head in a no.

"Just want to spend some time with you now. I'll be fine."

Soobin smiled to that and nodded, patting the younger's shoulder in a rhythmic way.

-Time skips to evening-

"Cookie, wake up. It's already evening, you'll feel sick if you sleep more." Soobin shook beomgyu's body a bit to wake him up.

The younger slowly started waking up, now trying to adjust his blurry vision.

"Huh? It's evening already?"

"Yep. Come on, I made some hot chocolate for you." Soobin said, pulling the younger by his hands.

"Heh? When did you learn to do that? And don't pull me I'm coming."

"Nah it will get cold, come with me. I learned it today by watching YouTube videos, now come come."

"Geez old man, I'm coming."

The older just rolled his eyes and dragged the younger downstairs.

Soobin pushed the younger slightly to make him sit on the couch and ran towards the kitchen to bring the hot chocolate mug.

"Here, taste it and tell me how's it."

Soobin forwarded the mug to Beomgyu, as the later took it from his hand.

He took a small sip of it before his eyes went wide.

"Woah, hyung! That''s really good."

The older couldn't help but grin hearing that. His eyes turning into crescent shape, the dimples on his cheeks getting prominent.

Beomgyu couldn't help but let out a soft giggle seeing that, before focusing on the hot chocolate again.

The older simply sat beside the younger and switched on the TV. But he couldn't help but smile in between, as he glanced at the smile on the younger's face.

It seems, he was successful in making his little brother's mood lighten.


*Two days later, at college*

"Is it possible to drop out of college and run away to a faraway place with my plushies?"


"Then, should I go?"


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