Chapter 7

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The blonde head decided to go to the library after his second class, as Kai and Taehyun ditched him to go meet Beomgyu. Yes, you heard that right, they ditched him.

Apparently Kai hasn't met Beomgyu since three days and he was missing him a lot so he called him asking him to meet, and Taehyun being Taehyun took the chance to meet Beomgyu as well, saying he's gonna accompany Kai so that he stays safe. Dumb much? Definitely. Bet he doesn't care though.

Reaching the library, Soobin looked if his favourite spot was empty and to his relief it was. He went straight to the chair, and sat down.

As he sat there, he suddenly remembered the moment when he met Yeonjun here, for the second time. Oh how his mind panicked seeing the older infront of him. He just chuckled at the thought.

He can't believe it's already been 5 months since he first saw Yeonjun. They spent some decent time with each other these past couple of months, making them good friends in no time. It's been a while he last saw the older due to their final exams though. How he missed spending time with him.

Thankfully, his classes started 1 week ago, so he hoped he could meet the older again.

Sighing, he opened his bag pack, taking out his unfinished novel, and his specs box. He gently took out his specs and wore it, getting ready to read as he took a sip of his Oreo boba.

He was definitely about to start reading the novel, when his eyes fell on a certain pink head, instantly making his heart all warm and fuzzy. There he was, sitting on the floor, leaning on the book self, reading a book.

He looked like an angel, sitting there, as the soft sunlight coming from the window hugged him gently making his exposed skin look golden and soft highlighting his beautiful collar bone which was visible because of the wide neck cardigan.

Each time he looked at Yeonjun, he felt like it's the first time he's looked at him, and his heart starts doing somersault giving him an ecstatic feeling.

Each time he looked at Yeonjun, he felt like he was falling for the guy a bit more than before.

Each time he looked at Yeonjun, he felt like something in him was healing bit by bit, which he never knew was there within him like a wound.

Each time he looked at Yeonjun, he somewhat felt like crying, he felt like something heavy was being gradually lifted off from him, bit by bit giving him more and more freedom and breath.

He knew what he felt was serious, but he never knew he would realise what living and enjoying life really was. How beautiful the world was, and how blind he was to never notice what the world had to offer, until he met Yeonjun.

How is it possible that having feelings for someone made him love the world a little more every time.

On instinct, he took out his diary and started writing his feelings down.

"You looked like a prayer, a wish, a hope,
something that every angel wished for.

Your one gaze healed me in ways,
I never knew was possible.
Every mirror I once looked at,
Now gave me glimpse of you, in me.

I was a mere canvas, with some mere outlines,
Until you painted me with
your gaze, your smile, your giggle, your touch.

Your divine soul drenched me with
warmth and serenity,
Until every part of me,
Was filled with,
Every bits of you."

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