Chapter 8

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"Cookie, mom called me few hours ago." The blonde head said, slightly nervous.

"Oh, that's good. It's been a few days since I last talked to her. I should give her a call as well." Beomgyu replied, his focus still somewhat on the page he was sketching.

Soobin nodded, and hesitantly said, "She called us home tonight to have dinner."

Beomgyu paused for a moment, expression unreadable, before he nodded. "Okay, let's go then. It's already 5:30pm now."

The older gave a small smile. "Yeah, get ready in 30 minutes then. I'm gonna go change." Saying that, he got up from the chair, and left to his room.


"Did you switched off the lights before locking the door?" Beomgyu asked, suddenly remembering.

"Yeah, I did, don't worry." Saying that, Soobin started his car.

"And, the stove? Did you check the stove?"

"Yes I did cookie, I told you I would keep things in check, so stop worrying." Saying that, the blonde head chuckled.

Beomgyu smiled, and nodded.


Finally after 1 and half hour, they reached their home.

Soobin got out from the car first, now waiting for the younger to come out.

"Come out already." The older said.

The younger sighed, before coming out of the car as well. He paused for a moment looking at the house again, before coming near the older, as they both went near the door and rang the door bell.

Soon enough their mom opened the door, smiling warmly.

"Finally you two came. It's been more than a year now since you last came. This old lady is still alive you know, it won't cost you fortune to visit your home sometimes. The only cost is your fuel." She said, hugging both of them.

"Mom, you're 48 not 60, stop calling yourself an old lady already." Beomgyu said, rolling his eyes, making his mother chuckle at his action. The younger grinned as well, looking at her smile.

Soobin smiled looking at the duo. Oh, how he missed this interaction.

"Yeah yeah whatever. I'll be back, I'm still cooking."

"Do you need my help?" Beomgyu asked, already getting up from the sofa.

"Yeah, I can help as well." Soobin said, nodding at the younger.

"Nah, relax and sit. It's not everyday that you two come, I want to cook all by myself. And you giant bunny, if I let you enter my kitchen I don't think the kitchen will survive. So sit." Their mom said before disappearing from the sight.

Beomgyu giggled at the older's pout. "It's okay hyung, you know how much she loves her kitchen. She can't see it getting destroyed in front of her eyes."

"Did you just say I destroy things just after entering the kitchen?" Soobin asked, showing an offended expression.

"Naww, when did I say it?" The younger asked, making his doe eyes more innocent. "Wait, may be I did." Saying that he smirked, as a giggle left his mouth.

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