Chapter 11

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*The next afternoon after everyone went to their home*

"Mom?" Beomgyu said, confused, as he opened the door.

"My baby." Mrs. Choi entered the house, giving a loving peck on the younger's forehead.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming, I could've prepared something to eat." Asked Beomgyu, dragging his mom gently to sit on the couch, as he sat beside her as well.

"Relax gyu, I just wanted to meet you and that giant bunny, so without thinking twice I came here." She said, chuckling.

"I missed you!" Beomgyu gave small pecks on his mother's cheeks, making her giggle.

"Didn't you meet me the day before yesterday? But yeah, I missed you too baby."

"Where's Binnie by the way?" Asked Mrs. Choi, looking around.

"Oh, wait lemme call him. He's in the library." Mrs. Choi nodded.

Beomgyu quickly got up and went to call his brother.

Reaching the small cozy library, Beomgyu peeped through the half open door, to see his brother reading a book.

But somehow as if the blonde head sensed the younger's presence, he looked up from his specs, as he gave a small grin looking at how adorable his brother looked with only his face a little visible.

But somehow as if the blonde head sensed the younger's presence, he looked up from his specs, as he gave a small grin looking at how adorable his brother looked with only his face a little visible

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[ apologies, but this is what I was able to find, after searching for the exact picture for so long. So yeah, that's how Beomgyu looks (place beomgyu's head instead of the cat) from Soobin's view]

Beomgyu wasn't a small person or anything, instead he was definitely very tall, but still shorter than Soobin though. But sometimes looking at his antics, Soobin fails to believe how such a tall person can look so tiny and squishy.

"Yes cookie, what's up?"

"Mom's here."

"Oh, wait, I'm coming then." Saying that Soobin got up from the sofa, keeping his book and specs aside on the table, as he walked towards his brother.


"Yes hyung?"

"Stop being so cute, I might hide you from the whole world at this rate." Saying that Soobin chuckled, as he pinched the younger's cheeks lovingly.

Beomgyu pouted hearing that. "I'm just being me hyung."

Soobin grinned, as they both went downstairs.

"Mom, did you have anything or should I order something?" Asked Soobin, as he sat beside her.

"No I didn't, I was so excited to meet you guys that I forgot to eat." Mrs. Choi chuckled.

"What? Mom, it's not healthy to be with an empty stomach for so long. Let me order something." Saying that Soobin took out his phone from his pocket, ready to order something, when suddenly Beomgyu stopped him.

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