Chapter 10

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*The same night*

After tossing and turning for few hours, Yeonjun finally gave up on sleeping, as he slowly got up from the bed, and started walking towards the guest room door.

Coming out of the room, he saw few dim lights were still on, making the hall way glow slightly in yellow.

He walked through down the stairs, entering the living room.

As he sat on the sofa, he realised that it was raining when his head turned towards the window.

Yeonjun simply loved rain.

He got up from the sofa and walked towards the wide window glass. He opened the window that allowed a gush of wind to come in. The cold touch of the breeze on his face made him shiver. He stood before the window for a few seconds that finally got him to appreciate the breeze and he found his comfort in its cold touch.

He smiled looking at the sky. The sound of the rain could calm the chaos within him. He wanted the rain to be louder than the screams of his thoughts. He closed his eyes - now he could hear every falling raindrop. With every raindrop he felt something was getting lighter within him. He stood there until all he heard was the rain.

Yeonjun slowly turned towards the sofa again, letting the window to be open for as to hear the rhythm of rain.

As he sat down, he picked up the phone that was beside him, opening the Spotify app.

He finally stumbled upon a song he wanted to hear after scrolling through his midnight playlist.

Clicking on the song, he kept the phone aside again.

A soft music started playing, complimenting the rhythm of the rain. (You can find the song at the starting of the chapter.)

"Can't sleep?" Suddenly a soft voice came from behind. But to Yeonjun's surprise, he didn't get startled. Instead, got more relaxed hearing the voice. A small smile threatened to appear on his lips, so he let it linger there.

"Uhm. You as well?" Asked the pink head, as he felt a warm fluffy blanket over his body. Feeling the warmth he sighed in contentment, finally realising that he was feeling cold.

"Nah, I forgot to sleep?" The blonde head chuckled, as he sat beside Yeonjun.

"What?" Yeonjun chuckled.

"Yeah, I was reading this novel, and when I finally finished it and looked at the time, I realised that it's already 3am in the morning. So then I got up, and came downstairs to fill my water bottle, when I saw you."

"Okay, and what about the blanket? You usually carry a blanket with you?"

"Ah nope, it's just that halfway through the stairs I saw you sitting here, with an open window, so I thought you would need a blanket. So I went to my room and brought this." Soobin said.

"Come here, let's share the blanket together. It's cold." Yeonjun said, opening his arms.

Soobin grinned and nodded. He slid near the older more as he pushed him softly making him land on the sofa completely. The younger didn't waste a second before letting himself lay on top of the older, making the older gasp.

"My baby here on Earth

Showed me what my heart was worth

So, when it comes to be my turn

Could you shine it down here for her?"

Intertwined|YEONBIN Where stories live. Discover now