This Is Halloween

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Sunday 31st October 2015
Jughead's Voiceover
So here's what you missed on Glee: The Next Generation:New Directions, minus Miles, performed at Invitationals, where they ran into Chastity Vega, member of the Holy Rollers and former enemy of Hallie Grace. Chastity spilled the beans to India about Hallie having twin babies and India decided to use her newfound info to spread around McKinley and destroy Hallie's reputation. It's all part of India's master plan to make her way to the top as McKinley's Queen Bee. Also part of her master plan? Joining Cheerios and New Directions, as well as dating Evan, all of which India is now doing. Hallie's been devestated by India revealing her secret. Now that Evan's dating India, he's showing a nasty side, too and he's mainly been directing his hate at James.And that's what you missed on Glee!
Hallie's Voiceover
My life is over. Ever since Chastity Vega spilled the beans to India about Eva and Ethan, and then India blabbed to the whole school, people look at me differently. They treat me differently. All I want is for things to go back to normal. Halloween was tomorrow and I had no idea what my plans would be. I want this Halloween to be perfect for Eva and Ethan. There I was, wanting everything to be perfect. Newsflash, Hallie, things are never perfect. Bella walked beside me, holding my hand. I was in love with her. She was a godsend. She loved and cared for my kids. She helped me out. She was such a great person.
In school hallway

Bella says to Hallie "You picked out costumes for the kids?"Hallie says to Bella "A pink kitten for Eva and a blue dog for Ethan

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Bella says to Hallie "You picked out costumes for the kids?"
Hallie says to Bella "A pink kitten for Eva and a blue dog for Ethan."
Bella says to Hallie "They're gonna be so cute."
Hallie says to Bella "They are."
Hallie agreed, smiling.
Bella says to Hallie "You dressing up for school tomorrow?"
Hallie says to Bella "I don't know yet. I haven't had time to get a costume together. With two kids, school work, Glee Club, I'm kinda busy."
Bella says to Hallie "Maybe we can go shopping for one. Pick you something out real nice,"
Hallie says to Bella "I don't know. The kids are usually such a handful that I find myself having a hard time with both of them."
Bella says to Hallie "How about we make it a Glee Club thing? We'll all go and we can look after the kids while you shop. You deserve to have just as much fun as everyone else. It's Halloween. It only comes once a year."
Hallie says to Bella "I appreciate it, Bella. You guys are all such great friends. You're the only ones who haven't treated me differently since word got out. Well, everyone except India."
Bella says to Hallie "Well, India is a royal bitch."
Hallie says to Bella "Now that she and Evan are ruling the school as the new power couple, things are gonna get really ugly."
Bella says to Hallie "Like they haven't already?"
Hallie says to Bella "Well, even uglier. I just wish Chastity Vega would crawl back under her rock. Isn't it bad enough that I have to deal with her again at Sectionals?"
Bella says to Hallie "Yeah and what the hell kind of name is The Holy Rollers for a Glee Club, anyway?"
Hallie says to Bella "We should change our name to The Satan Worshippers just to mess with her head. Might give us the edge at Sectionals if we keep pacing in front of the stage giving them menacing looks during their big number. They'd eventually loose concentration if they kept pulling out crucifixes to point at us in an attempt to ward us off."
Bella laughed.
Bella says to Hallie "I actually kind of like that idea."
In the Choir Room

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