(It's) Hairspray

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Saturday 7th January 2015
Jughead's Voiceover
So here's what you missed on Glee: The Next Generation:A bunch of New Directions formed a Gay-Straight Alliance at McKinley, but it was met with anything but enthusiasm from Louis, Azimio, and new guy Chad Riker-Smith. Will used it as an opportunity to use the message of the music of Michael Jackson as a learning tool. Too bad it didn't get through to the jocks, as Lucas was beat by Chad and ended up in the hospital, pushing Jaxon to lead a demonstration on the school. Luckily, Chad is going away for a long time, allowing New Directions time to start preparing to face Vocal Adrenaline at Nationals.
And that's what you missed on Glee!
In the principals office
Jaxon sighed as he took his seat in Principal Figgins office.
Jaxon says to Figgins "I know why I'm here,I don't deny it and I accept the full punishment. Suspend me and ban me from Nationals. I don't care. I had to do something."
Figgins nodded.
Figgins says to Jaxon "That's what I should do. You caused quite a scene, Mr. Pierce. But I realise why you did what you did. What happened to Mr. Aguirre was tragic and you acted out in hurt and anger."
Jaxon says to Figgins "So, what's my punishment?"
Figgins says to Jaxon "I need someone else on the Bullywhips."
Jaxon rolled his eyes.
Jaxon says to Figgins "Oh my god those berets are so tacky."
Figgins says to Jaxon "Mr. Marx has had his hands full as the sole member of the recently re-instated Bullywhips following his suspension late last year," Figgins answered. "Your punishment is, you're gonna have to join the Bullwhips until the end of the school year. I was moved and impressed by your actions, despite the enormous scene you caused. I think you'd be a huge asset to the Bullywhips."
Jaxon says to Figgins "I don't have a choice, do I?"
Figgins says to Jaxon "Seeing as how it's this or suspension and being barred from competing at Nationals, I would say if you don't have much of a choice."
Jaxon nodded.
Jaxon says to Figgins "Okay, I'm in. I'll be a Bullywhip. I just have one condition."
Figgins narrowed his eyes.
Figgins says to Jaxon "You're pushing it."
Figgins says to Jaxon "I'm all for stopping bullies and all. That's not the problem. But can we please ditch those ugly berets in favor of some more modern and stylish fedoras?"
Figgins rolled his eyes.
Figgins says to Jaxon "I hired the fashion police."
In the Choir Room

Jaxon walked nonchalantly into the choir room, backpack over his shoulders, and took his seat beside James

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Jaxon walked nonchalantly into the choir room, backpack over his shoulders, and took his seat beside James.
Jaxon says to James "What did I miss?"
Will says to Jaxon "I was about to make a big announcement."
Miles says to Jaxon "Lucas is out of the hospital?"
Will says to Miles "Not yet,He's slated to come home the day after tomorrow. It's about Nationals."
Breezy says to Will "Oh em gee."
Will says to the glee club "I just got word that plans for Nationals in New York has been cancelled as the venue had been double booked. Instead, this year's Nationals will take place in the City of Lights, the Entertainment Capital of the World!"
Kevin says to Will "Chicago?"
Nicole says to Kevin "That's the Windy City."
Will says to the glee club "Las Vegas!"
Will said, excited to break the news.
Evan says to the glee club "Alright!"
Evan said as the room erupted in cheers.
Will says to the glee club "Now, there's a catch, There is to be no drinking or gambling. If you get thrown out of any place for trying to drink or gamble, you are out of the competition. I can afford to lose two members before we even have to stress about replacements. There will be multiple chaperones and your parents will have to sign a permission slip."
Bella says to Will "So, who's the chaperones?"
Will says to the glee club "Emma, Sue, Kurt, Blaine, Brittany, Santana, and I will be the chaperones. At the time I made the plans, we didn't have Declan so I figure one chaperone per every two students. But I guess I will take on the extra person and chaperone three of you guys."
India says to Will "Why do we need chaperones?"
Will says to India "You're minors in a city known as Sin City. Figure it out," Will said. "Now, the thing we need to figure out is how to earn the money to pay our way all the way to Las Vegas."
India says to Will "If you haven't noticed,I'm loaded. I can pay for it."
Will says to India "I appreciate the enthusiasm, India, but no thanks,Part of Nationals is banding together as a team and earning our way there. It promotes a sense of unity and accomplishment."
Miles raised his hand.
Miles says to Will "How about a school musical? We can charge a small admission and sell concessions to pay our way to Las Vegas."
Will says to Miles "That's a great idea."
Will says to the glee club "Any suggestions for the musical?"
James says to Will "The Rocky Horror Picture Show."
Will says to James"Absolutely not."
Will said, a stern look on his face.
Breezy says to Will "Wicked."
Will says to Breezy "I don't think so,Kurt put on a production not long ago and I doubt people will be willing to see it again so soon. Come on, let's think about something else."
Jaxon says to Will "How about Hairspray?"
Evan says to Jaxon "That's it!"
Will says to the glee club "All in favor, raise your hands."
Everyone raised their hand except Breezy, who was still obviously feeling the sting of being shot down.
Will says to the glee club "Alright,Hairspray it is!"
In the Finn Hudson Auditorium
Will, Emma, Kurt, and Blaine sat quietly in the Finn Hudson Auditorium,ready to get started with the audition process. Will lifted his clipboard and looked at the sign-up sheet.
Will says to Emma,Kurt and Blaine "First up, we have Honey Berry auditioning for the role of Amber."
Will said as Honey walked onstage.
Honey says to Emma "Hey."
Honey said, waving enthusiastically.
Emma says to Honey"You ready, Honey? Don't be nervous, it's just us."
Blaine says to Honey "Yea, I'm just here to support Kurt,I'm not a part of the auditioning process. So don't mind me."
Backstage, Jaxon and Bella warmed up for their auditions. Bella frowned as she took a seat, crossing her arms.
Bella says to Jaxon "Do you ever feel like you and James are drifting apart?"
Jaxon says to Bella "No, not really. We're stronger than ever. Why do you ask?"
Bella says to Jaxon "It's just that, well, Miles has been seeming distant ever since last week. He's not himself. And he's always having to go do things. We barely have time anymore. Like last night, we went to BreadstiX, and he cuts out right before dessert and tosses a fifty on the table. I mean, what kind of a way is that to end a date. And then, when I asked him what the hurry was, he gave me the brush off."
Jaxon says to Bella "What do you mean?"
Bella says to Jaxon "Well, he was like I forgot I had homework.That was it. And the thing is, I know he was lying. I just don't have any proof."
Jaxon frowned.
Jaxon says to Bella "I know. Miles hasn't been acting like himself here lately."
Bella says to Jaxon "I just, sometimes I wonder if maybe he's grown tired of me. Like maybe I bore him now."
Jaxon says to Bella "That's ridiculous, Bella. You're a great girl."
Bella laughed nervously.
Bella says to Jaxon "Listen to me sounding all crazy."
Jaxon says to Bella "Everyone has insecurities, Bella."
Bella nodded.
Bella says to Jaxon "I'm full of them. No wonder."
Blaine smiled as he appeared backstage.
Blaine says to Bella "Bella, you're up."
Bella says to Jaxon "Well, wish me luck."
Jaxon hugged Bella.
Jaxon says to Bella"Good luck."
Bella walked out on the stage, feeling confident. She looked at Will, Emma, and Kurt with a warm smile.
Will says to Bella "Okay, Bella,What role are you auditioning for?"
Bella says to Will "I'm auditioning for Tracy Turnblad."
Emma says to Bella "And what song are you singing?"
Bella says to Emma "I will be signing I Can Hear the Bells from act one."
Kurt says to Bella "Go ahead."

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