My Boyfriend's Back...Maybe?

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Sunday 1st November 2015
In the Choir Room

As everyone piled into the choir room, India couldn't help but to smile from ear to ear

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As everyone piled into the choir room, India couldn't help but to smile from ear to ear. Today meant that her one week suspension from the Cheerios was up. She'd be returning to the squad, fresh and invigorated, even if she did have to see Rose and Hallie there. But most importantly, it meant that Evan would be returning. Of course, she hadn't seen Evan all day. He had been pretty busy with Bullywhips duty and he had skipped Glee Club to talk to Mrs. Pillsbury.
Will says to the glee club "Okay,
Will said, walking into the Choir Room
Will says to the glee club "We need to start preparing for Sectionals, so I want you guys brainstorming for ideas for our setlist. Also, Vocal Adrenaline's Invitationals is tonight. Now, I can't make it because I have plans to attend Kurt's production of Wicked with Emma, but if any of you can make it down there to check out the competition, I encourage it."
Honey raised her hand.
Honey says to Will "Have you decided which two members will be doing the duet for Sectionals?"
Will says to Honey "Not yet. I think we should wait until we have some songs picked out. But I'm leaning toward Miles and Nicole. I think their voices sound really good together."
Honey says to Will "Oh."
Honey said, disappointed.
Will says to the glee club "Don't worry, every one of the first six will get their solo in a duet as promised. It may not be right away, but don't give up hope yet."
Honey says to Will "Well actually, Mr. Schue,I have some great ideas for staging and costumes for Sectionals."
Will frowned slightly.
Will says to Honey "I really appreciate it, Honey, but I think for right now we should keep it simple. Focus on the songs and talent. But thanks anyway."
Honey walked solemnly toward the gymnasium. Nicole noticed her and picked up her pace to catch up.
Nicole says to Honey "What's up, Honey?"
Honey says to Nicole "I just feel so unappreciated and dismissed in there today. I have an idea and Mr. Schuester doesn't wanna even hear me out. But as soon as Jaxon, Bella, or even Miles has an idea, he's all for it."
Nicole says to Honey "I kinda agree, Honey. No offense. But New Directions wasn't flashy during Sectionals. They kept it simple and focused on the music. And besides, Jaxon and Bella are our captains. We took a vote and they won."
Honey says to Nicole "Popularity contest."
Honey said grumpily.
Nicole says to Honey "Honey, it isn't like that. Believe me."
Honey says to Nicole "I should have known that you'd be just like everyone else. Do you know how hard it is to be Rachel Berry's little sister? I've grown up in her shadow, never living up to the legacy she left behind. I'm invisible."
Nicole says to Honey "Honey, you're not invisible. You're just not as assertive as Rachel was."
Honey stopped dead in her tracks.
Honey says to Nicole "I'm never as anything as Rachel. Well, I'm not gonna follow in her footsteps anymore. Glee Club was Rachel's thing. I'm gonna find my own thing."
Nicole says to Honey "Wait, does this mean you're quitting?"
Honey stormed off.
Honey says to Nicole "Take this dramatic exit as my resignation."
Nicole sighed in frustration as she ran to catch up with the rest of New Directions.
Nicole says to the glee club "Guys,We have a problem. Honey just quit Glee Club."
Jaxon says to Nicole "Why?"
Jaxon asked, shocked.
Nicole says to Jaxon "She said Mr. Schue only listens to your, Bella, and Miles' ideas and her gets dismissed. Then something about living in Rachel's shadow. She was never as anything as Rachel. And then she said Glee Club was Rachel's thing and she was quitting to do her own thing."
John says to Nicole "This is a serious problem, Honey has a very unique voice. She's a major asset if we wanna make it to Nationals."
Jaxon says to the glee club "Look,We promised Rose and Hallie that we'd be at Cheerios practice today to support them. We can't break that promise to them."
Nicole says to the glee club "But what about Honey?" Nicole asked. "If we don't go and try to talk her into returning, she'll think that we don't care."
Bella says to Nicole "We can get Kurt to talk to her."
Lucas says to the glee club "Yeah, he knew Rachel really well. Maybe he can talk some sense into her."
James says to the glee club "I do remember him saying he had a later show tonight,Maybe he'll have the time to stop by and pay her a visit."
On the Football field

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