A Night To Remember

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Friday 12th February 2016
Jughead's Voiceover
So here's what you missed on Glee: The Next Generation:New Directions has been through a lot here lately. James had an identity crises, Jaxon got stabbed, Aldy went to rehab, Evan transferred to Dalton Academy, Lana was forced to dump Hallie, who was dealing with issues concerning her baby daddy, Chris returning to Lima. So, with Sue's help, Will's turned Glee Club around and assigned some Linkin Park. It was like therapy. Now, New Directions seems to be back on track. But, with all the stuff they've been going through, they put off their prom plans for last minute and now they gotta rush to prepare? Can they pull it off?And that's what you missed on Glee!
In school Hallway

 But, with all the stuff they've been going through, they put off their prom plans for last minute and now they gotta rush to prepare? Can they pull it off?And that's what you missed on Glee!In school Hallway

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Jaxon and Lana walked down the halls of McKinley, posters in hand. Jaxon stopped, taped a poster to the wall and kept walking.
Lana says to Jaxon "I can't believe we're going through with this.Us, running for Prom King and Queen? Well, you I can understand, but me?"
Jaxon says to Lana "Relax."
Jaxon said with a smile.
Jaxon says to Lana "Once again, you're short changing yourself."
Lana says to Jaxon "I'm not short changing myself,I know my own value. I just can't believe I'm running for something so girly and frivolous."
Jaxon nodded.
Jaxon says to Lana "Fair. But we're gonna still gonna give this campaign our all. We have four days to drum up votes, Lana. We've got this in the bag."
Lana smiled as she and Jaxon continued walking down the hall.
Lana says to Jaxon "Oh no."
Lana said, her face turning white as she dove behind Jaxon and peeked around his arm.
Jaxon says to Lana "What?"
Jaxon asked, looking around confused.
Lana says to Jaxon "That's Cherry."
Jaxon says to Lana "Cherry? Who's Cherry?"
Lana says to Jaxon "Hallie's prom date last year, I was new here and I had eyes for Hallie so I stole Cherry and ditched her so I could get Hallie alone. Of course, Bella messed that up and my plan didn't work out. I imagine Cherry must be pissed at me for ditching her."
Jaxon says to Lana "Lana Addison, you dog," Jaxon said with a smile.
Jaxon says to Lana "I am impressed."
Lana says to Jaxon "Is she gone?"
Lana asked, peering around Jaxon.
Jaxon says to Lana Yeah, she's gone."
Lana breathed a sigh of relief.
Lana says to Jaxon "Thank God. I don't wanna open that can of worms."
Jaxon says to Lana "Speaking of cans of worms that don't need to be opened, how is this whole thing with Ana going?"
Lana says to Jaxon "My mom loved her. But that's because Ana doesn't have a child and the two of them bonded over their love for fine Italian cuisine ."
Jaxon says to Lana "So I guess that the whole thing is going according to plan?"
Lana nodded.
Lana says to Jaxon "So far. After I take Ana to prom, she's gonna put the next step into action and soon Hallie and I will be able to be back together."
Jaxon says to Lana "I can't help but think that you and Hallie should be going to prom together."
Lana says to Jaxon "My mom would never let me go with her,It's not like I have much of a choice. This whole thing seems crazy but it's the only way, Jaxon. You don't know my mom."
Jaxon nodded as he hung up another prom poster.
Jaxon says to Lana "Nothing seems right anymore. You and Hallie are meant for each other. Just like Ana and Natasha are meant to be together."
Lana says to Jaxon "But Natasha is so in love with Hallie, she doesn't know that Ana exists."
Jaxon says to Lana "It doesn't help that Hallie is using Natasha to try to make you jealous."
Jaxon said, securing the poster.
Lana says to Jaxon "You think she's using Natasha?"
Jaxon nodded.
Jaxon says to Lana "Being deeply and truly in love, and blessed with my natural intuition, I can spot a fake relationship a mile away. Hallie doesn't love Natasha, that much is very obvious."
Lana says to Jaxon "Poor Natasha,I sort of feel responsible."
"The whole thing's gotten out of hand. But that's just my opinion."
In the Common Room

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