It's Britney, Bitch

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Monday 20th August 2016
Jughead's Voiceover
So here's what you missed on Glee: The Next Generation:New girl Lana is stirring things up. She's crushing hard on Hallie, formed an uneasy alliance with Bella to take out India, and joined Sue's new rival show choir. Also stirring things up is Aldy, a seemingly troubled, mysterious boy who just started at McKinley. Speaking of troubled boys, John committed suicide, leaving a dark void in New Directions. Hallie, Miles, and Will have all been racked with guilt ever since then. Meanwhile, dealing with tragedy made Evan and Lucas face their feelings about one another. Dillon, lead singer for the Dalton Academy Warblers feels torn between his love for Nicole and his loyalty to his team.And that's what you missed on Glee!
In the Auditorium
Jaxon stepped up onto the stage, the roar of the crowd deafening. He faced the giant light screen behind him, his name up in lights. He slowly turned to the crowd, which was filled with hundreds of thousands of screaming fans.
Jaxon's Voiceover
This is it, Jaxon. You've made it. You're a star.
Jaxon stepped forward, into the lights. He was dressed in a circus ringleader costume. Off to the sides, were flaming hoops; high above him, tightrope walkers. He swallowed the lump in his throat as the music began.

Jaxon stepped forward as he was surrounded by dancers, dressed in various circus-style costumes. Jaxon gave the crowd a half smile.Jaxon braced himself as the platform he and his dancers were standing on began to raise into the air. It finally came to a stop, fifteen or twenty feet in the air. The crowd went crazy, jumping out of their seats to applaud as Jaxon's name blinked in fifty foot tall letters behind him.
The Crowd says to Jaxon "Jaxon!"
Jaxon smiled, waving to the crowd.
In Jaxon's bedroom

Declan says to Jaxon "Jaxon!"Jaxon was awakened by a the two hands shaking him awake

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Declan says to Jaxon "Jaxon!"
Jaxon was awakened by a the two hands shaking him awake. Jaxon rubbed his eyes sleepily and looked up at Declan.
Declan says to Jaxon "Jaxon, did you know you sleep dance?" Now get up, we've got school."
Jaxon says to Jaxon "Six-thirty on a Monday morning.I do not want to be up. I just wanna sleep in."
Declan says to Jaxon "Yeah, well tough luck."Declan said as he exited the room.
Jaxon groaned loudly as he slowly climbed out of bed and walked to his closet to get dressed.
In the Kitchen
Jaxon probably ran down the stairs and into the kitchen. His dad, taken aback by Jaxon's rushed entrance, looked up from his paper.
Jimmy says to Jaxon "Where's the fire, kiddo?"
Jaxon says to Jimmy "Nowhere."
Jaxon said, grabbing a piece of French toast and a glass of orange juice.
Kathy says to Jaxon "That isn't gonna fill you up.You're a growing boy."
Jaxon says to Kathy "I'll get something else when I get to school, Mom."
Jaxon said as he practically shoved the whole piece of French toast in his mouth.
Jimmy says to Kathy "He's not a teenager.He's a vacuum cleaner."
Jaxon gulped down the entire glass of orange juice as he grabbed his books.
Jaxon says to Kathy and Jimmy "It's really nice today. I think I'm gonna walk to school."
Kathy says to Jaxon "Okay, just be careful, Jaxon."
Jaxon gave his mother a kiss on the cheek.
Jaxon says to Kathy "Bye. I love you."
Kathy says to Jaxon "Love you too, son."
James gave his dad a hug.
James says to Kathy "Love you too, Dad."
In Sue's Office
Sue stood sat at her desk, surveying three students as they stood before her. She took her glasses off and sat them gently on the desk.
Sue says to Lana Adam and Natasha "Well, if this isn't a motley crew,We have Lana, Justin Bieber, and a ginger."
Lana, Adam, and Natasha stood there, confused.
Adam says to Sue "That's offensive."
Natasha says to Sue "Yeah, it is."
Sue says to Adam and Natasha "No one cares what you think,Everyone knows gingers don't have souls. It's a proven scientific fact."
Adam says to Sue "Proven by who?"
Sue says to Natasha "Come out of the closet, Bieber, I need to stash my Christmas presents and you're taking up all the room."
Natasha says to Sue "You are really mean.Why should we even still be in your show choir after you talked to us like that?"
Sue says to Natasha "It's like this, lady. Will Schuester's Glee Club is pretty full. He's always had a problem with letting his students share the spotlight. You'd never get a chance to shine in New Directions. But you will here. Sue Sylvester will make you all stars."
Lana says to Sue"And if we help you take out Mr. Schue, that's even better for you, huh?"
Lana asked, her arms crossed.
Lana says to Sue "I agreed to help you but I didn't agree to this ridicule."
Sue says to  Adam "It's called tough love, Joan Jett. I'm conditioning you to be winners. You think the music business is easy? You think the real world is easy? No, it's not. It will chew you up and spit you out. And while Will's New Directions will not survive that, you all will because I made your skin tough. I made you grow backbones."
Adam says to Sue "Fair enough. But lighten up a bit on the Justin Bieber jokes."
Sue says to Adam "Deal."
In the Cafeteria

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