New Divide

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Tuesday 30th January 2016
Jughead's Voiceover
So here's what you missed on Glee: The Next Generation:Jaxon had the surgery to repair the damage caused by his stabbing, which made him absent for one of the most eventful weeks this year. Evan felt disrespected and overlooked so he quit Glee Club. The other kids protested to get Mr. Schue to finally do an R&B week to perhaps lure Evan back, but it was too late. Evan decided to jump ship to the Warblers. So, now New Directions is down Aldy and Evan, but they managed to pick up Adam. Meanwhile, newly single Taylor is trying to get to Miles, which isn't sitting well with Breezy. Lana's met Hallie's family and they love her so it looks like they may live happily ever after.And that's what you missed on Glee!
In the Choir Room

At first, Jaxon seemed uncomfortable with the giant welcome back banner back hanging over the choir room doorway, but he soon warmed up when he was greeted by hugs from all his friends

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At first, Jaxon seemed uncomfortable with the giant welcome back banner back hanging over the choir room doorway, but he soon warmed up when he was greeted by hugs from all his friends.
Lana says to Jaxon "It's so good to have you back.  We've been so depressed without you."
Jaxon says to the glee club "I can't believe Evan just quit and transferred to Dalton like that."
Miles says to Jaxon "Well, he did And I still feel like it was premature. But, we couldn't stop him. He had his mind made up."
Jaxon says to the glee club "I just can't wait for things to get back to normal."
Honey says to Jaxon "Things are never gonna feel completely back to normal. We just lost two of our own. Let's face it, we're in a dark funk. There's a cloud hanging over us, and we're all depressed."
Rose says to Honey "Yeah, that pretty much sums it up."
Will says to the glee club "Look,I know that you guys are feeling really down."
Bella says to Will "It's not just that, Mr. Schue,we're hurt, we're angry, we're frustrated."
Lana says to Bella "That sounds like a Linkin Park song."
Lana said with a smile.
Will says to the glee club "That's it,Linkin Park. That's a genre that could give us the advantage at Nationals. No one's ever done anything like it. Not only that, but it could finally be a lesson that really appeals to you guys and helps you deal with your frustrations."
Jaxon says to Will "You mean it, Mr. Schue?We're doing Linkin Park?"
Will smiled.
Will says to Jaxon  "Of course."
Lana says to Jaxon "You know what I'm thinking?"
Jaxon looked at her and raised an eyebrow.
Jaxon says to Lana "What?"
Lana says to Jaxon "We're so gonna coordinate our clothes tomorrow."
Lana said with a smile
In the principals office
Will stood in Principal Figgin's office, his arms crossed, and his mouth hanging open.
Will says to Figgins "Can you say that again?"
Figgins sighed.
Figgins says to Will "I said that it has come to my attention via numerous complaints that you have been overlooking many of your students. One transferred because he especially felt unappreciated. So, to make sure all your Glee Club students get a fair shake, I'm instating Sue as you co-director for the rest of the year."
Will says to Figgins "I can't believe it."
Sue says to Will "Oh, believe it, William. You can't possibly believe that your students would not become so enraged at the thought of performing yet another Journey that they would plot to overthrow you."
Will says to Sue "But of all people, it had to be you. Why not Emma?"
Sue says to Will "The student body was worried that the two of you would ditch them for a midday make-out session in the supplies closet."
Will says to Sue "Or Beiste?"
Sue says to Will "Let's be honest, William. The idea of Coach Beiste dancing around is the very literal translation of a bull in a china shop. Even those kids know the potential collateral damage and embarrassment that would cause."
Will hung his head.
Will says to Sue "So, I suppose there is no way out of this?"
Sue shook her head.
Sue says to Will "Not unless you wanna quit and give me full control of Glee Club and your precious New Directions."
Will says to Sue "Over my dead body."
Sue says to Will "Then it's settled,We're co-directors. See you tomorrow afternoon, William."
In the Choir Room

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