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Tuesday 9th February 2016
Jughead's Voiceover
So here's what you missed on Glee: The Next Generation:Lana's mother is an overbearing mega bitch who made her break up with Hallie because she didn't think Lana needed to be involved with a teen mother. New Directions is preparing for Nationals and they had a lot of frustrations to get out. Miles and Evan had a fight because Miles still thinks Evan's leaving McKinley was selfish and deep down he feels betrayed. Jaxon returned from his surgery and will be playing guitar again in no time. Claude had eyes for Evan, and Evan is struggling to stay faithful to Lucas, but Lucas still has a lot to work out.And that's what you missed on Glee!
In History classroom

Kevin sighed as he chewed on his pencil, staring blankly at the chalk board in front of him

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Kevin sighed as he chewed on his pencil, staring blankly at the chalk board in front of him. Kevin looked beside him at James, who was busy writing something far faster than Kevin thought humanly possible.
Kevin's Voiceover
I don't know the first thing about heritage. Until I was thirteen, I thought kids came from the stork. And of course, back then, I was a nerdy little kid. Coke bottle glasses and braces. Dear God...those sweater vests. Now, four years later, thanks to a change in wardrobe, no longer needing my braces, and some contact lenses, I had shed that image.There I go again, getting off track. Damn, I do that far too often. Focus, Kevin, focus. I don't even know what my heritage is. I mean, I think I might be Spanish or Mexican. Whenever my mom gets really mad at me and after she drags out my middle name, she launches into a Spanish tirade...and I don't understand a word of it.
Kevin stared off into space as he flashed back to a few weeks ago.
Kevin's Voiceover
¡Kevin Michael Rhodes, te dije que limpiaras tu habitación hace dos horas! ¡Si te lo tengo que decir una vez más, te pondré en adopción!
Kevin stared at his mother, his eyes open wide.
Kevin's Voiceover
The only thing I understood had something to do with adoption and that was not a pretty thought. Why would my mother adopt another kid?
The sound of the school bell snapped Kevin back to reality. Kevin looked down at his pencil, which was completely chewed to a point where it was almost unrecognizable.
Kevin says to himself "I need a new pencil."
Kevin said with a sigh.
In the cafeteria

Kevin sighed again as he took a seat beside Rose in the cafeteria

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Kevin sighed again as he took a seat beside Rose in the cafeteria. Rose looked at him, concerned.
Rose says to Kevin "What's the matter?"
Kevin says to Rose "It's my stupid History class. We're studying heritage. We have to come in at the end of the week and present a report about our heritage and bring in something unique to represent it."
Rose says to Kevin "Well, you're obviously part Spanish."
Lucas says to Kevin "I was thinking more Colombian,I myself am half Mexican and half Native American, just like my idol, Selena. Trust me, you don't strike me as Spanish or Mexican."
Jaxon says to Kevin "I'm Dutch."
Bella says to Kevin "I have no idea what I am either."
Rose says to Kevin "To be honest, I'm so many different things that my mother calls me Heinz 57,the only we can agree on, is that I come from a family of Gingers. Seriously, it's like the freaking Weasleys."
Kevin says to Rose "I have no idea where to even begin."
Nicole says to Kevin "The library has a lot of great resources. Reference books, the internet, all kinds of stuff really."
Kevin says to Nicole "I've never really been to the library.All the books both intimidate and confuse me."
Nicole says to Kevin "Then today might be your lucky day.Because, after Glee Club practice, you and I are going to the library."
Kevin's face went pale.
Kevin says to himself "Oh dear God. Library."
In the Choir Room

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