The Forbidden Zone: Sext

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This past week I've pretty much just stayed in bed, letting everyone filter in and out of my room, talking to me for a while until I roll over and doze off. When I'm left alone I take an oxy to numb the pain from my incisions and the other pains I have while brooding about my life, wishing I didn't hurt my boys so much. I know they're affected by all of this, they don't like leaving me fully alone anymore, someone is always home now.

Its like JJ, Mason and Jackson have an agreement or schedule where they take shifts being here with me, that way I can't run off to the lighthouse or the ocean to hurt myself. It's really sad, especially since I don't plan on doing anything but I'm too exhausted to tell them that, though they probably wouldn't believe me if I did.

"Princess," JJ plops down on my bed, kissing my lips, "we came up with a plan to be able to dive down to the royal merchant."

My expression turns to surprise, not expecting them to have actually figure out how to get down 900 or so feet in the ocean, "How?"

JJ smiles, probably loving that I'm actually responding to him, cue the guilt, "So at the salvage yard my dad used to work at, they had this drone thing and it can go down a thousand feet. If I can sneak in there and grab it, bam," He slaps his hands together, making me flinch, "we've got a way to find the gold."

I slowly sit up, a small smile on my own face, "That's actually a really good idea, Jay."

JJ turns to Mason when he walks in the room, "She loves my idea!"

Mason grins when he sees me, rushing over to sit next to us, "I told you she would."

"Is Jack home?" I peer over to my windows, not seeing my brothers truck in our long driveway.

"Nah, he's at work until later." JJ leans back on the headboard, "Why do you ask?"

I shrug, my small burst of energy giving me an idea, "I want to talk to both of you about something, but I want to shower first."

They give me weird looks while I hurry around my room looking for clothes, but I ignore them and head for my bathroom. The shower water warms up pretty quickly so I step in right away, rushing through my washing routine so I can shave my legs properly without taking too long.

After a few minutes I walk into the bedroom with only my towel draped around my body, forgoing my clothes since I won't be needing them for a bit. JJ and Mason both stay frozen in their spots when I drop the towel and crawl across the bed, making it a point to ignore the small amount of pain I still feel around my small incisions along my belly.

"This is what you wanted to talk about?" Mason rests his hands on my waist when I sit on his lap, JJ shifts to be closer, his shoulder against Masons.

"Not exactly," I run one of my hands in each of their hair, "the other day you looked like you were left out, Mase, and I didn't like it."

"Oh," Mason leans his head back on the headboard, looking up at me, "it's just how it has to be right now."

"Does it though?" I look between them, "We don't have to tell them the details, but I feel like they all pretty much know there's more going on, but they probably think I'm like going between both of you, instead of it being a real relationship."

"I'm not ready." JJ sighs after startling me since his voice was a notch too high, "Can't we just enjoy this right now? Everyone doesn't have to know all of our business."

"Fine." I focus back on Mason, rolling my hips into him, feeling how hard he already is.

Mason moans, his fingers dig into my skin, guiding me against him, "I need you, baby."

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