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Riley's POV

Beep. Beep. Beep.

That sound is annoying. Memories of the crash flood my mind while I try to gain back my senses.

First sense: hearing. The beeping sound nearby that's driving me crazy. Rafe and Barry's voices on my left side, they're talking about my friends being in the waiting room. I guess Rafe and JJ got into a fight about me. Wonderful.

Second sense: smell. Hospital smell is always weird to me, cleaning products and something else I can't put words to.

Third sense: feeling. Pain. I'm in a lot of pain. Kind of wish I didn't have this sense back right now. My left leg is aching, well basically my whole left side is on fire. And my head is pounding.

Fourth sense: sight. My eyes finally flutter open, two blurry faces are staring at me.

"Country girl," Barry pats my right leg carefully, "you're always up to something aren't you?"

"I have to keep everyone on their toes." I groggily respond, "Life's boring if I don't spice it up."

"I'm so glad you're okay." Rafe tears up while looking over my body, "You've been out for a while now."

"How long?"

They share nervous glances. 

"Riley." Rafe links his fingers with mine, "You've been in a coma for a month."

My eyes widen, "No way." A groan escapes me when I move around too fast.

"Are you in pain?" Rafe leans forward and rubs my arm, "Don't move too much."

I grimace, "Yeah."

Rafe pushes the call button for the nurse, telling her I'm awake.

Seconds later a tall dark brown haired nurse comes walking in, sending me a warm smile. "Welcome back, Riley. You're experiencing some pain?"

"Yeah, everything hurts." I look down, noticing my arms are littered with bruises.

"Okay, I'll up your morphine a little bit. I'll go get the doctor, she will be happy to see you're awake." She rests her hand on my arm before heading back out the door.

"How am I not hand cuffed to the bed right now with cops standing watch?" I glance out the window of the closed door to see if there is a cop standing watch or not.

"I paid them off. You're good. Hospital bills paid too." I busted out laughing, making Rafe and Barry join in. "Of course you did. But you didn't have to pay the hospital bills! How much was it?"

"Doesn't matter." He shrugs while smiling softly. "Fuck, you scared us, Riley. You had surgery and everything."


Right as I said that my doctor came in.

"Good morning, Ms. Routledge. How are you feeling?" Her voice is calm and light. She has light blonde hair, and round eyes, with glasses up on her head.

"In pain. I had surgery?" My hands come together nervously playing with my fingers while she goes on to explain what's happened to me since coming into the hospital. It's a lot to process.

"Wow. So how long do I have to stay?"

"We need to check you over to see how everything looks before we can send you home," She turns to Rafe, "I'll get one of the nurses to bring in her discharge paperwork once she's good to leave."

It'll Always Be You - JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now