Barbados: 3

54 3 0

Trigger Warning: Mentions of rape and domestic violence.

Riley's POV

"Okay so that went bad." I sit on the bed next to Rafe, trying to calm my heartrate after coming back in the room from trying to tell Portis that I could go home and get the diary for him, "The pogues are close by somewhere, they messaged Singh on Portis' phone saying he caught John B and Sarah and want to exchange them for us."

Rafe nods, "Alright well that might work, more people on the inside could help us, we'd be able to overpower some of these guards and get the hell out of here."

I glance out the window to see Singh and some of his outside patrollers getting into a truck, "He's leaving."

"Since we only have a little while until we aren't alone in here," Rafe tangles his fingers in my hair, making me grimace, already knowing what he's wanting again, "how about we have a little more fun together?"

"I'm.. I'm too tired from.. last night." I try to look down but he doesn't let me, "Please, don't."

"Just one more time, baby." He groans when I start to shake my head, "You told me no last night yet you still gave in."

I feel like throwing up thinking about what happened.

"I didn't fucking give in." I blurt out, my eyes go wide, "I mean--"

He shoves me backwards, my head bounces off the wall making a loud thud sound, "Don't give me attitude right now, baby, I don't like that shit." He huffs while watching me clutch my head, "I bet you don't give your boys a hard time when they want to fuck you, yet you make me out to be a bad guy all the fucking time when I ask."

"Because I love them." I angrily exclaim, "You force yourself onto me, Rafael! I said no last night."

His fist crosses my face, making me cry out in pain, "I didn't force you."

"You.. you.. did." I sob, my hands clutching my cheek, he stalks towards me, making me cower in the corner of the room.

The door swings open, one of Singhs men crosses the room and kneels down to check on me, "Are you okay miss?"

"No." I push backwards into the wall when Rafe attacks the man from behind.

Rafe grabs the guys pistol from the holster on his side and whips it across his face, knocking him out. I stare wide eyed at the man, my body shaking in fear because my psycho ex now has a gun and he loves to shoot me when he's angry. I see the guys phone slowly sliding out of his pocket so I snag it while Rafe is distracted checking the ammo in the gun.

He grabs my arm and forces me to my feet, "Come on, this is our chance to escape."

He rushes me through the house, trying to find a way out without being seen by a guard. I grab Rafe's arm when we pass something on the wall that I recognize from my dads research, quietly I snap a photo of the painting. Pope might want to see this later.

"We need to hurry, baby." Rafe slips his hand in mine, "Stay close, alright?"

"I will," I trail after him to the front of the house, "I don't like this."

"I know, but we're almost out of here." Rafe stops at the corner of a wall and peaks around it, "Alright there's a door over there. Lets go."

We slip outside, noticing there aren't any guards nearby. My heartrate has to be so high right now, I can hear the loud beating in my ears as we run across the yard towards the driveway where a landscaping truck is about to leave the property. I'm scared of Rafe but right now, all I can focus on is getting the hell out of here. 

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