Chapter 5.1: Class On An Outing

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THE WHOLE NEIGHBOURHOOD was covered in snow.

I'd already packed my things over the weekend and prepared my winter gear—a brown jacket to keep warm, ear muffs, and, now that snow was here, snow pants and boots.

I opened the door to Zoey just about to ring the bell. She was wrapped warmly in a scarlet jacket, a yellow scarf protecting her neck, and pink mittens covering her hands.

"Morning." Her breath froze with every syllable. "You're up early today."

I led the way to school, dragging my small luggage. "I didn't get a wink of sleep two days ago and last night. I must've been too excited about this trip." I glanced at the white sprinkles falling from the sky. "Isn't this your first time experiencing snow?"

"Yeah." Zoey opened her mouth in an attempt to catch some snowflakes. They instead melted on her face. "It's so cold," she said, her teeth chattering.

"Today is rather warm."

She stared at me like I was crazy. "Today is warm?"

We walked past the playground where Mallory and Bond were nowhere to be found.

"Shouldn't we wait for Mallory and Bond?" she asked.

"No need. I radioed Bond last night and told him they didn't have to wait for us since we're hauling luggage in the snow."

The class hung out at the front of the school making snowmen and throwing snowballs at each other.

Bond tossed around a football with Hunter, though it was more of Hunter throwing the ball with Bond attempting his best to catch it.

Even now those two are still trying to perfect that catch. Good, it means they're serious about winning.

"Just leave your bags in the class and join us here," Annie suggested.

Zoey and I dropped off our stuff, saying hello to Mr Darley and Mr Cranston going over forms, before joining the class outside.

Everyone wore aptly-coloured jackets; white, black, blue, red, grey, and the occasional purple. Grant was the only one who wasn't. He wore a vibrant yellow jacket that made him look like yolk in the egg-white snow.

Arnold, one of the seventh graders, sneered. "Nice jacket, Grant."

"Thanks." Grant nudged me. "I think it's working, Captain."

"Yeah, but seeing it in action makes me think that making our fastest guy stand out this much is a big gamble."

"The more you raise the pot, the higher your winnings are."

"We dedicated hours to practicing our strategy. I hope it works," I said. "And stop calling me captain. This role was forced on me."

"As you say... Captain."

Zoey pointed at Charlie. "Why are you wrapped in a blanket?"

"Oh, this?" Charlie spun around, showing her his yellow polka-dotted pink blanket in its entirety. "Once it snows, I get cold easily. This blanket keeps me warm."

"And you're wearing it, outside? While wearing a jacket underneath?"

"Yeah. This blanket is like a shield protecting me from getting colds."

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