Side Story: Test of Courage, Part 2

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"THIS IS A FOREST OF TRAGEDY, drenched in blood," Mr Darley said as he played a few ominous notes on his ukelele. "Six paths lay—"

I walked past him with Sam trailing behind me. "Yeah, yeah, stick together or we'll die. I know what happens."

"Aww. I wanted to say that, " Mr Darley whined.

Sam and I continued into the woods by going down the second path. I kept quiet, but it seemed like Sam wanted to strike up a conversation.

"Mallory, do you find me annoying? You're usually loud, but you're awfully quiet."

"Maybe I'm scared."

"I don't buy that one bit. I'm positive that you can take on whatever attacks us and come out on the winning end."

"You're trying too hard to be nice to me."

"Do you find me annoying?"

"No. But, I've already told you numerous times that I don't like you back. Doing schemes every couple of weeks to make me like you isn't winning you any brownie points. Just be less pushy is all."

"So I have a chance?"

"Absolutely not."

He shrugged. "Worth a shot."

"Halt!" a voice demanded. "In the past, families that didn't want their children would often leave them in this forest. These children, who didn't know how to fend for themselves, would die of hunger."

A Pocky tied to a string fell in between me and Sam.

"You two will die of starvation and to escape, you have to start eating from each end," the voice demanded.

I stomped. "This is the Pocky game, you lowlife!"

"This isn't even close to scary!" Sam bashed. "You're just trying to get us to reenact that scene from Lady and the Tramp!"

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