Side Story: Test of Courage, Part 3

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"This is a forest of tragedy, drenched in—"

Even though I knew that the man with the ukulele was Mr Darley, I ran down the third path in fear.

Carrie ran after me. "Charlie, wait. I'm the one that's supposed to be scared. Not you!"

"It's impossible for you to be scared. You've watched every single horror movie and TV show."

"That doesn't matter. The girl is supposed to be the scared one; not the other way around," Carrie explained.

I placed my hands on my hips and stood proud. "I'm trying to break gender norms!"

"Young couple," a voice whispered. "Many lovers would run away together, hide somewhere together, and tragically die together. This forest is no exception as many lovers died in each other's arms on the very land you're standing on. This is this forest's curse."

"Oh, wise spirit. How do we escape this fate?" I asked the voice.

"It's simple. The forest must witness a passionate kiss to break the curse."


She shook her head. "You're way too easy to fool!" She cupped her hands around her mouth. "John Darley, stop this nonsense!"

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