Chapter 7

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Sunoo' question shocked Sunghoon. Who wouldn't be shocked in this situation ? He caressed Sunoo' hair affectionately. "What brought this on, Sunoo ? Huh ? We've only known each other a little over a year..."

Sunoo wiped his face as he let out a forced laugh. He already suspected the worst. "그것이 왜 중요합니까? 저는 당신을 사랑하고 당신은 저를 사랑합니다, 그렇죠? 그런데 왜 제 질문이 당신을 괴롭히는 것처럼 보입니까?" (Why does that matter ? I love you & you love me, right ? So why does my question seem to bother you ?) Sunghoon led Sunoo over to a bench to sit down. "It isn't that I don't love you, Sunoo. I just don't think we should rush into marriage. Am I wrong in thinking that you're rushing things ?"

Sunoo rolled his eyes as he looked up at the night sky above them, "Rushing things ? I don't see it that way. Honestly, you're beginning to annoy me now, hyung. Marriage is about love, no ? So why do you want to slow down ?" Sunghoon grit his teeth as he took hold of Sunoo' hand. The cold night air seemed even colder given how late it was.

"당신은 나에게 무엇을 기대하고 있나요? 당신을 사랑하기 때문에 모든 것을 바꿀 수는 없습니다. 수누, 당신을 사랑하기 때문에 나의 벽을 허물 수는 없습니다. 우리가 이 관계에 대해 같은 생각을 하고 있다고 오해하게 했다면 죄송합니다." (What do you expect from me, huh ? I can't change everything because I love you. Sunoo, I can't just let down my walls because I love you... I am sorry if I misled you to think we were thinking the same in regards to this relationship.)

Sunoo let a few tears fall as he still held Sunghoon' hand in his own hand. "What do you want to do then ?" Sunghoon' heart may have thawed thanks to the warmth Sunoo brought him, but his heart still very much was like a block of ice. What he said next brought him no joy, but he stood by what he wanted. Things were moving way too fast. It is not that he didn't love him, but he was in no position to agree to marriage at all yet.

"We end here, Sunoo... I will go about my life & you will go about yours. I will always love you, but we want different things..." Sunghoon held Sunoo for a few moments while he cried. This lasted a while before Sunghoon willed himself to walk away. Each step further only caused deep cracks on his cold heart.

Split. Broken up. Whatever you wished to call it... Now it was all said & done. But would this be the end ? Was this truly the end of Sunoo & Sunghoon ?

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