Chapter 1

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I walked the streets of Seoul as I had already made up my mind... I loved ice skating, but the competitiveness has been taking its toll on me. I know my parents wanted me to continue on to get to the Olympic phase of my career, but I honestly didn't want that.

My mind drifted as I walked. Soon enough I reached my parents home where I was warmly greeted. "Sunghoon, you look pale ? Have you not been taking care of yourself ?" I smiled as I sat them down after making some small talk. A talk neither of them knew was coming...

"저는 피겨스케이팅을 전문적으로 그만두고 있습니다. 친구들을 위해 더 많은 시간을 갖고 제가 원하는 대로 살고 싶습니다," (I am quitting figure skating professionally. I want to have more time for my friends & live my life the way I want to,) I admitted as the conversation went silent for a few moments. The silence confirmed a lot for me. My parents loved me, but they absolutely disagreed with my decision. I could tell just from the way they looked at me.

"Sunghoon, when did you come to this decision ? Why ?" My mother asked, seemingly a bit crushed by my news. I knew I couldn't just give up on figure skating altogether. I did have a plan that satisfied what I wanted & what my parents wanted. "No need to worry, Mom. I plan on being a couch. I won't force my students to enter any competitions, but it would be good for the kids."

Smiles. Wide smiles. My parents seemed pleased with my option to be a couch for younger children. Dinner carried on like usual. No more was I questioned & I let out a deep sigh of relief. I am absolutely happy for once. Happy that I can finally rest & have fun with my life.

 A few hours went by before I made my way home. I stopped by the ice rink when I spotted a cart in the walkway. The cart was small, yellow, & cute. It read: Sunny' Flower Stand. I laughed as I muttered to myself, "누가 아이스링크에서 꽃을 파는 것이 좋은 생각이라고 제안했는지 궁금합니다?" (Wonder who suggested selling flowers at an ice rink was a great idea ?)

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