Chapter 3

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Time went one, and although things should of been getting better, they just for worse. Hospital bills piled up, they were really struggling now.  "Ugh.. The rent went up.. Again!" Lilith said, as eda was opening more bills. "Again?! Oh god.. Damnit!" Eda cursed.  "Light bill is due.. " eda said. Lilith sighed.   "How the hell do adults make a lot of money? " eda asked. "Usually.. Getting high jobs after college" Lilith said. "Well then we'll go to college!" Eda said with pride. "What?.. College is expensive"  Lilith argued. "Um.. Well.. Then you go!" Eda suggested. "What!? Why me?" Lilith asked, eventh Lilith loves the thought if more learning. "Lily, your smart enough to get a full scholarship! I can stay here and work" eda said. "Eda.. Are you sure? Your pay check only pays for groceries.. And the utilities"  Lilith said, sitting down next to her sister. "Hey come on, I just have to last 4 years, then we can figure things out from there" eda said, giving her sister a reassuring smile. "A-are.. You positive?.." Lilith asked. "Yes lily! I can work two jobs, most people do anyway" eda said. "Promise no to over work yourself" Lilith said, taking eda's hand. "I promise" eda said back

Within a few months, Lilith went off to college, and Eda applied for a second job. Things were hard at first, but they both adjusted.   However it's known that people can often exhaust themselves, even if they try not to.  Especially with so many things to pay off, eda now worked at a cafe, and olive Garden.   Now something eda wasn't good at, was dealing neither rude people, so it was a struggle for her, but she had Raine, and they always made her feel better. While eda and Raine we're together watching a movie at eda's house, she l9oked like she was about not fall asleep any moment and the soothing music from the movie wasn't helping. Raine looked over at eda, and just let her  sleep, they knew she was working, what eda hadn't told them, was she was now working two jobs. Eda usually avoided telling Raine when things went wrong, so they had absolutely no idea.  After the movie was finisned, Raine out her to bed, and decided to sleep with her, they've been dating for 4 years no, it's not like it was a problem.   

The next morning, eda woke up with her loving partner beside her, she smiled.  Eda got up slowly, only for Raine to put their arm around her.  Eda blushed, and slowly took Raines arm from around her, and got up. 

When Raine got up, they smelled, burning.. Raine quickly got  up and saw eda in the kitchen cooking. "Oh! H-hey! Rainestorm!" She said nervously. "D-didnt.. Your sister ban you from the kitchen?.."  Raine asked. "Pft! N-noo!"  Eda lied Nervously, then put the "food" she made on a plate for her and Raine. Raine looked at it nervously, then picked up their fork. "Um.. T-thanks.. Princess.. " they said nervously, then took a bite. It was absolutely disgusting, it couldn't even be classified as food it was burned beyond reason.  Raine couldn't stand it, they were close to crying. Eda giggled. "Raine if you don't like it.. You don't have to eat it" she said with a playful smile. "N-no.. Um.. I love.. The.. Flavor.. B-burnt.. To a crisp.. " they mumbled. Eda started laughing. "Raine I know it's not good" eda said. "Oh thank god" Raine sighed In relief.  Eda laughed again, and took their hand. "It's sweet you tried to spare my feelings" eda said. "Yeah.. But.. Um.. L-leave the cooking to me" Raine  suggested.

After Raine cooked them a proper meal, Raine thought of last night. "Hey calamity, you fell asleep before n the movie ended, how come?" They asked. Eda stayed quiet for a little while, she didn't know how to respond, because she knew Raine wouldn't approve of her having 2 full time jobs.  "Um.. Just uh.. Work" she said hoping for no follow up questions. "Working at a cafe? They asked slightly ammused. "Uhhh.. Yeah!" Eda lied. Did she feel bad for lying?.. Yes, but was she going to stop? Probably not.

But as you all know, their golden relationship.. Can't survive without truth. Eda continued to lie about what was happening, that she had the bills under control.. Her parents hospital fees were being payed off just fine, she wasn't struggling. But it was all lies, an although Raine didn't know the truth, they knew she was lying. 

One afternoon, eda heard someone at the door, and it happened to be the old rich couple again. Eda groaned, but opened the door.  "What?" Eda asked. "Hello young lady, we.. Just wanted to know if you'd reconsider marrying our son" the man asked. "Absolutely not" eda said bluntly. The rich couple, then took a wad of cash out and a piece of paper with their phone number on it. "Just.. Please.. Think about it" the woman requested. ".. Alright.. " eda mumbled, and took the money. Eda closed the door, and put the paper on the counter. She knew she wasn't going to think about it, but she said otherwise for the money. Eda counted it, and it was 10k.  Eda smiled brightly, this would hold her over for a few months, she split the money in half, used half for her parents, and the other half for bills.  
Then eda got a text from Raine.

Meet me at our spot, we need to talk

Eda immediately got worried seeing the message, but regardless, she went... Eda went to the special spot in the woods, she and Raine would go to all the time for "alone" time.. If you catch my drift.  She saw Raine sitting down, looking upset and very Nurvous. "Rainestorm?.. You okay?" Eda asked.

"Eda.. Do you trust me?"


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