Chapter 10

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White walls.. And silence was all eda could hear and see when she woke up. All the memories flooded back, so much she started panicking because she couldn't find nakusa. Eda saw all the monitors hooked up to her arms, so she grabbed then, and yanked them our, and quickly got up.  Eda almost tripped, and ran out the room. Doctors came up to her. "Ma'am please get back in bed" one of them said. "No! Where's my daughter!? Where is she!?" Eda asked frantically then suddenly she heard. "AHHHH!! RELEASE ME DEMON!!" Eda reconsider that voice. It was Darius. Eda ran over and saw nakusa biting him. "DARIUS SHE'S 5!!" Lilith yelled.  Eda ran over and saw nakusa indeed biting Darius.. Well.. More of gnawing on him. Eda picked her up, and nakusa let go no problem. "Get your crazy 4 year old!!" Darius yelled. "Actually I'm 5 you bald bastard!" Nakusa said back. The 4 adults froze, then eda and Raine started laughing, Lilith was shaking her head, and Darius was glaring.

Soon after a doctor came up to eda. "Ma'am if your feeling alright your free to leave, but I can call your husband and let him know your okay" the doctor said. Everyone froze, except for nakusa she was looking around randomly. Eda looked at her hand, and took her ring off, and out it in her pocket. "I'm not married.. And I'm fine" eda said, then handed nakusa to Lilith, and left. Of course Raine tried to go after her. "Eda!.. Hey-" they were cut off when eda stopped. "I'm fine.. Really, I just want some time to cool off" she said, then headed outside.

Once eda got outside she was sobbing uncontrollably, but also laughing, she was free. "But.. Your fine?" Eda jumped, and saw it was Raine. She immediately flew into their arms and hugged them. Raine bluched slightly having eda in their arms, although seeing her crying wasn't.. Ideal.. This was the most vulnerable she'd ever been around them.   "Thank you.. Thank you.. " eda whispered.  "No problem.. Calamity.. I got gotcha" raine said.  "Now I.. Just need to find a place to live.. " eda mumbled. "Easy.. You and nakusa are staying with me" Raine said. "Raine.. I can't ask you to-.." She was cut off. "No arguing.. Your staying with Raine" Lilith said, as she walked up with nakusa and Darius. "Guys really I'm okay" eda lied. "Stop the cap eda, we know exactly what that Bastard was doing to you.. Nobody is okay after that, so untill we say otherwise your staying with Raine" Darius said. Lilith then handed eda some documents. "Here.. To tie up all loose ends" she said, they were divorce papers. "thanks lily... " eda said with a smile, a real smile. Eda signed the papers, and left with Raine. But Lilith and Darius still had work to do. They drive ovwr to jacks house, and barged in. Darius.. Had a gun.. And that's all you need to know.

Lilith and Darius grabbed eda's and nakusas belonging and forced.. Well.. Threatened Jack to sign the divorce papers. 

Meanwhile eda and nak4 had just gotten to Raines house. "I.. Can't thank you enough rainestorm" eda said, then took their hand. "You don't have to, I have a guest room for nakusa, and you'll be sleeping with me" Raine said. Edas face went a bright red. "Excuse me?." She asked. Raine chuckled. "You heard me" they teased., then held her close by the waist. Eda froze, but started breathing hard. "P-please let go.. " she mumbled. Raine fave s confused look. "You alright?" They asked eda started trembling. "Please.. Please.. Let me go" she pleaded, and raine let her go of her. "I'm sorry.. " they mumbled, "i-its.. Okay, I just.. Just.. Not from. Behind me" eda requested, Raine nodded. 

Just then, Lilith and Darius came in with eda and Lilith belongings. "Oh!.. How'd.. You get  all our stuff?"  Eda asked. "A lot of yelling, and a gun" Darius said. "Did.. You kill him?" Eda asked. "Well.. No, we weren't sure if you wanted us to-" Lilith was cut off. "Go back there.. And kill him" eda demanded. "Yes ma'am" Darius said, and left.   "Raine.. Take care of her" Lilith said, then left as well. Raine looked over at eda who, was to distracted by nakusa.  "I promise.. " Raine mumbled.

That night, eda was nurvous to sleep with Raine, and they could tell. "Eda..youll be okay I promise" they said, sitting beside her. Eda took a deep breath. "I.. It's not you.. I just.. It gets me on edge" eda said. "Do you want to talk about it?" Raine asked. "I don't.. " eda mumbled. "I.. Can't help you, if you don't tell me what's wrong" Raine said in a soft voice. "He.. Touched me a lot.. And.. Wouldn't stop.. I just.. It scares me" eda admitted. "You know I'd never hurt you.. Right?" Raine asked. Eda blushed slightly. "Of course.. And.. I want to be better.. For my daughter" eda said, looking over at the doorway.  "I'll help you..your safe here..i promise" Raine said.  Eda leaned on their shoulder, and teard up. "Thank you.. Rainestorm" she mumbled, then started full on crying.  Raine kept her close, and comforted her.. Physical touch.. The first thing that needed to be fixed.

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