Chapter 11

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Raine woke up the next morning, but eda wasn't beside them. They sat up and put on their glasses, wondering where she could be, then the smell of food caught them. They immediately got worried, and got up, to see eda cooking, and nakusa at the table making random noises. "E-eda!.. H-hey.. Good morning" they said nervously. Eda turned to them with a smile. "Hey rainestorm, sit down, I'm almost done" she said  Raine looked extremely nurvous about eda cooking, but didn't want to be rude. "O-okay.. "  Raine sat down, praying they didn't get food poisoning. 

When eda finished, she gave everyone a plate, and sat down in front or Raine, next to nakusa, who just planted her face in the food, and downed it all. "You alright Raine?" Eda asked. "Y-yeah!.. Just um.. Heh.. Like tired" they said. Eda started eating, while nakusa ran around with food on her face.  Raine finally tries some, and sees it's really good, which is a shock because eda used to couldn't cook to save her life.  When eda saw how Raine was eating it made her laugh and blush a bit. "Woah there.. Is it good?" She asked. "Eda it's amazing!.. Where's you learn to cook like this?" They asked. "Um..ll.. Tell you later" eda said, not wanting to think about Jack. 

After they ate, eda was washing n the dishes, when she suddenly felt arms around her. Eda gasped, and jumped, she immediately got scared, then heard. "Shh.. It's okay.. It's okay.." It was Raine.. She tried to calm down but couldn't.  "Raine please.. " eda mumbled. "It's okay.. It's just me" Raine said in a soft voice.  Eda was breathing hard, then held Raines arms that were around her.  "I'm.. I'm okay.. I.. " Raine kept her close, their arms around her stomach, going nowhere else. Eda eventually calmed down. Eda then noticed nakusa still running around with food, on her face, so eda grabbed a napkin. "Come here" eda said. "NOOO!! UNHAND ME!!"  Nakusa yelled. "Come here!" Eda said, but nakusa ran off. "Ugh! Every day! You do this everyday!" Eda yelled, then chased after her. "Nakusa come here!" Eda yelled. "No! I shall be freeee!!!" Nakusa yelled, then ran over to her room, only for Raine to pick her up. "Nooo!!! Betrayal!!" Nakusa yelled. "Thank you rainestorm" eda said, then cleaned nakusas face, then she was set free.  "Eda, you still never told me how you learned to cook" Raine said. "Well.. Um.. After a month of being married.. He.. Demanded I make him dinner, when I told him no.. That was the first time he hit me.. Then threw a cook book at me.. " eda said, Raine immediately p ulled eda into a hug. "I'm.. So so sorry calamity.. You didn't deserve any of that" Raine said, eda started crying, and let Raine hold her.

A few weeks passed, and eda was actually doing better, unfortunately she was now having to enroll nakusa in school, and today was her first day. "Please be carful with her!" Eda said. "Calamity it's fine, it's just school" Raine said playfully. "But she's Fradjile!" Eda protested. Nakusa left on the bus, and eda tried to stay calm.  "See? She's fine, you have to learn to let go" Raine said. "Yeah.. Okay.. Let go.. Let go.. No I'm not ready to let go!" Eda said, and tried to run off but was stopped by Raine.  "Eda no! Let go!"  Rai e said, trying to reason with her. "My babyyy!! Noooo!" Eda pleaded. "She's 5 eda, not a baby" Raine said.  "But she's mine!" Eda argued. Raine sighed, and picked her up, and carried her back in the house. 

Not even an hour later, eda was twitching sitting on the couch. "Calamity? You alright?" They asked."y-yeah.. I just.. I've never been away from her this long" eda said. "Shes gonna be alright, you know.. I missed seeing you so often" rai e said, which made eda blush. "I.. Missed you to, and.. I. Sorry I left you in the dark for some long" eda said, in a Nervous tone. "Hey.. It's alright.. But what was it that you couldn't tell me?" Raine asked.  Right then, eda told raine everything, her two jobs, the bills, even the annoying old couple.  Raine listened carefully, and didn't judge her about anything. "I'm really sorry Raine.. I just-" eda was cut off, when Raine took her  hand, and kissed her palm turning eda into a beetroot. "Do you.. Remember what I told you.. When we.. You know" they asked. "I don't.. What did you say?" Eda asked. "I said.. That I'd never stop loving you" Raine said, the 2 we're blushing, eda put her hand on their shoulder, then to their jaw, while Raine, held edas waist. They both leaned in, and as they were inches apart.. Edas phone rang. Eda sighed, and was about to pull back, when Raine kept her close. "Raine.. I" eda mumbled, Raine took, edas phone and declined the call, then, finally, leaned in and kissed her..

As their lips pressed together, what was supposed to be short and sweet, turned into a passionate kiss, active by both. They held each other close, and enjoyed this kiss, and didn't want to pull away to breathe, but they did, eda however, had been through so much, such a moment that made her happy, she wasn't going to let end so soon, she leaned over again, and continued kissing them, untill she was now sitting in their lap, and the two were heavily making out.  Neither resisted, neither tried to stop.  Eventually, Raine had eda on her back, while they continue med to make out and looked each other in the eye. Memories if being assulted flooded, back, and eda teard up. "Eda.. It's me.. Not him.. Me.. If you want to.. We can.. But if it's to much.. Il back off" Raine said, in the most romantic, and comforting voice possible. "I'm fine.. Um just.. Go.. Do it" eda said, half, begging half demanding.  Raine without missing a beat, picked her up, and went into the room, they now shared, and close, and locked the door, since nakusa would be coming home by bus. 

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