Chapter 6

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A weeks days later, eda started getting sick. She threw up and random times, but would always be fine most of the time. She started enjoying learning to cook, even though Jack would yell at her for no reason.

While eda was cooking dinner, when she suddenly nfelt nauseous, she quickly went to the bathroom and started throwing up.  As eda stood up to clean herself up, Jack came in. "What the hell is wrong with you lately!? Ugh.. I swear to God" he said angrily.  "I.. I don't know.." Eda mumbled.  "Ugh.. You better not get me sick" he said, then angrily walked off. 

Eda sat down on the bathroom floor, and started crying, she didn't know why she was crying, but she just was. She wasn't that upset about her "husband" because she was used to it, but she was crying.  

Over the next few weeks.. Eda's condition got worse, she was an emotional as ever, now even slight aggression caused her to cry, she got.. Well.. Bigger.  (I do not body Shame here, get a life if you do)  she still enjoyed learning to cook with the cook book Jack gave her, and after a while she didn't even need it.

Jack Happened to see what was happening to eda. Be wasn't the sharpest took in the she'd, but he wasn't exactly stupid.  One morning, he walked to eda in a threatening way and grabbed her arms. "Are you pregnant doll?"  He asked. Eda's eyes widen. She hadn't even thought of that as a possibility, even though it should have come to mind first.  
Jack saw the uncertainty in eda's gaze, so he just left the house. Eda was scared, and sort of relived.

When Jack got back, he threw a bag at eda, and when she looked in it, there was a pregnancy test inside, along with a plan b pill. " if your pregnant, your getting rid of it" he said harshly. Eda never thought of being a mother, but she didn't like the idea if killing her unborn child. Eda took the back, and went to the bathroom. 

About 15 minutes later, eda got the results, it was positive, eda was  pregnant. No doubt it was jacks. Eda started crying, she was pregnant.. By a man who had not only had beaten her.. But assaulted her.. And he did want it.  Eda took the plan B pill, and flushed it down the toilet. Eda then got a call from her sister, eda looked at her ring, and took it off, and set it in another room.

"Hello?.. Edalyn are you okay?"

"Y-yes.. "

"Your lying to me.. "

"I.. I can't.. Lily.. I'm... I'm trapped here.."

"No.. No please don't cry, I'm going to your out of there"

"You don't understand..!"

"W-what?.. Whats.. What else is stopping you?"

"Lily.. I'm pregnant.."

"Y-your what!?.."

"I.. I know.. I.. He.. "

"Calm down!.. It's going to be okay.. I promise"

"You can't promise that!.. "

"I can.. Please.. Just hang in there"

"O-okay.. "

As eda hung up the phone, she immediately heard. "So your planning bto leave me? And pregnant with my child?"  Jack asked in a threatening tone.  Eda froze, then was hit on the back of the head. Eda fell to the ground, only for Jack to grab eda by her hair. "AH!" Eda screamed in pain, holding her head, as Jack threw her back down. But now eda was sobbing. "You think your just going to leave me!?" He asked with a sick smile.  "P-please.. Please.. Stop.. " eda begged as she cried. "Your going not stay with me.. Forever.. No matter what" he said. 

By the end if the night and the rest of eda's pregnancy, eda was always bruised, and  scared. Eda was terrified of raising a child around him and rightfully so. While Lilith was trying her best to help eda anyway she could.  And after 9 miserable months, eda gave birth to a healthy baby girl.. With the help of her sister, and sister alone. Eda named that baby girl.. Nakusa.


Nakusa will NOT be a Phycopath/sociopath in this story.. And will be younger.   She will have her personality, but not the medical condition.. So just.. A unhinged suger obsessed child.

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