Chapter 7

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After nakusa was born, Jack backed off a bit. Eda didn't understand why, but she was grateful to raise her little baby in somewhat piece.  Nakusa looked a lot like Jack, black hair.. Blue eyes..everything however she had dead fighting sport, and eda was grateful for it. 

When it came to raising nakusa, she was adventurous, and.. Well.. Chaotic.
While eda was getting ready to feed her, Jack came by and glared at his.. "Daughter" nakusa was still a baby, but she didn't like hack, at all, she immediately started wailing. Jack flinched, and eda hurried and picked nakusa up. As soon as nakusa saw eda, she stopped crying. Eda smiled at her little baby, and kept nakusa in her arms as she fed her.

Lilith didn't come into the house, but eda would meet her at parks, and restaurants every once in a while to see and bond with nakusa. Which usually involved nakusa chewing on Liliths clothes, fingers and hair with her non existant teeth. When she did this, she silently went crazy, per her OCD.. But that didn't stop nakusa, and it made eda laugh.  "Edalyn I'm glad to see your.. Doing better" Lilith said, as she tried to edge nakusas mouth away from her hair. "Mhm.. Yeah" eda said, even though she wasn't, but she couldn't say anything because on the listening device on her ring.  Eda noticed Lilith struggling with nakusa, so eda took her, and put nakusa in her lap, Lilith let out a sigh of relief.  "Nakusa seems to be.. Full of energy" Lilith said, as nakusa was still trying to reach her. "Yeah.. Shes just.. Amazing" eda said, and she held her baby close. "Is.. There anyway I can-" Lilith stopped when eda put her hand on Liliths, this surprised her, and she looked down, eda used her thumb, to turn the ring and expose the blinking to Lilith, then handed her a piece of paper that said.

Hes always listening to me

Lilith nodded, then spoke again. "Is there anything else I can do to help with my niece?" Lilith asked. " don't worry" eda assured, and then got up. "Say bye to auntie lily" eda said in a motherly voice. Nakusa made random baby noises, Lilith waved, and eda what back to her house.. Well jacks house..

When nakusa was 4 and jack started right back up, and had no problem hitting eda in front of nakusa, or hitting nakusa. As the 3 of them were out, because hack demanded eda come with him, they passed by a bakery. Nakusa saw so many cookies and treats and with her big sweet tooth, she pulled on eda's arm. "Momma!! Cookies! Cookies!" She shouted pointing at what she wanted. Eda looked over, and she smiled and kneeled down to nakusa. "You want a cookie, darling?"  Eda asked sort of ammused by her daughters eagerness. "Yes!!" Nakusa beamed. "Alright baby-" eda was cur off, by Jack harshly grabbing her arm. "Ugh! Don't buy her that, she'll end up being spoiled" he said, still jerking eda's arm. "Y-your hurting my arm" eda said, trying to get away from him. Nakisa didn't really understand what was happening, but she didn't like the fact eda was hurting. Nakusa did the only thing she could.. She started abusing jacks leg.

Nakusa started punching jacks leg over and over again, but he didn't really feel it, jack noticed, and looked down, and saw nakusa, then let eda go, and grabbed nakusa. Now nakusa may have been 4 but she still had.. What her mother's spirit used to be. She was kicking and screaming, and pulling, and would easily resort to biting.   As jack raised a hand to hit nakusa, someone stopped him. Eda looked up to see who had just saved her daughter, and it was non other.. Than Raine whispers. "Excuse me, do you know this woman, and her child?" They asked in a stern tone. Jack let nakusa box and she immediately ran to eda.  "That woman, is my wife.. And.. Our,child" be said, Raine was surprised, and saw a ring in eda's finger. They took a deep breath and calmed down. "Regardless, you don't treat someone that way.. Especially not your family" jack glared, then saw the way eda was sneaking glances at Raine. He just left.

Raine looked back at eda, who had her daughter in her arms. "Are you alright?" They asked, holding out a hand for her. Eda took their hand, and raine pulled her up, which caught her a little off guard.
Still strong as hell..
. "T-thank you.. " eda mumbled, and she again took nakusa's hand. "Eda.. Why was he trying to hit you?" Raine asked. Eda immediately got nurvous, and looked down at her ring. "H-he.. Wasn't.. Um.. Simple misunderstanding!" Eda said with a nurvous and terrified smile. "What? But momma, Daddy hits you-" eda hurried and covered nakusas mouth. "Alright!.. Um.. Raine it was amazing to see you again, but we really need to go!!.. Heh.. Come on hunny, tell Raine thank you" eda said, slowly moving her hand. "Thank you for saving momma!" Nakusa beamed, Raine smiled. "Any time, but it's up to you know.. Keep your pretty momma safe" Raine said, then winked at eda, which had her redder thank a fucking beetroot.

When eda,nakusa and jack got back to the house, eda sent nakusa to her room. "Go hide in your closet.. And don't come out untill I come get you.. Okay?" Eda instructed. Nakusa ran off, and jack immediately, grabbed eda by her shirt. "What the hell was that!?"  Jack asked, eda was doing her best to pull away, but Jack wouldn't let go. "Answer me damnit!!" Eda started tearing up. "I.. I didn't know, their just a childhood friend" eda said, only then did Jack drop her.  "That better be it!.. And teach that little brat manners" he said, then walked off.  
Eda quickly left and got nakusa from her closet, only to see her taping a pillow to her body, and with a bowl on her head..and a spoon. Eda couldn't help but giggle. "What are you doing?" Eda asked, as she sat on her knees. "I'm gonna protect you from daddy!!" Nakusa beamed. Eda couldn't stop smiling at how cute nakusa was being. "I don't need you to protect me.. That's my job" eda said, while taking the bowl off nakusas head. "Mommaaaa!!! That person earlier said to protect you!" Nakusa whined. "That's.. That's only because their  A very.. Old friend of momma's.." Eda said. "But.. I wanna help" nakusa said. "I know.. But your little.. I don't want you getting hurt" eda said, as she held her daughter in her arms. "Promise..?" Eda asked. "Okay.. I promise" nakusa finally agreed..

But promises are meant to be broken

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