Chapter 5

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A few months passed, eda was in a loveless marriage. They didn't have a wedding, per Eda's request. She was forced to sleep in the same bed as at home, and she kept to herself. She also demanded that Jack pay for her parent's hospital fees and anything her sister needed for college. Although Jack was getting way too comfortable with Eda, he'd try to miss and grab her, and every time Eda refused he got mad, Eda wasn't a pushover so she stood her ground, that was.. Until Jack followed in his father's footsteps.

While Eda was on her phone in the kitchen, Jack came in and smiled. "When are you making dinner?" He asked. Eda looked up at him like he was stupid. "Excuse me? I'm not your mother" Eda said. Then out of nowhere, Eda hit the floor, and Jack slapped her. Eda grunted as she tried pulling herself up only for Jack to push her back down. Eda's eyes welled up, but she was strong enough to not show weakness. Jack walked up to her and looked down at her. "My parents don't me you were strong-willed... But il be fixing that in a few months.. " he said and walked away.
When he left, Eda stood up and went to clean her Face. She had a red bruise on her cheek, and Jack's words stuck with her.

A few months passed, and Jack stayed true to his words, he would hit Eda if she upset him in any way. Then on top of that, he would insult her.

Eda had just made dinner, despite the fact she still couldn't cook. Jack immediately threw you out. "What was that!? It was disgusting" he said in a harsh tone. "I told you... I don't know how to cook" Eda said, and she leaned on the counter. "What kind of girl doesn't know how to cook!? You're going not learn to cook Immediately" he demanded, Jack left the room and came back a few minutes later, then threw a cookbook at her, luckily Eda caught it. "Learn to cook, and surprise me with a meal Tomorrow breakfast" he demanded, and went to bed.

Eda spent 3 hours reading the cookbook, she knew what would happen if she made him mad. Eda However had a plan, she'd wait it out until her sister finished college.

The next morning, Eda managed to make breakfast without burning it. It wasn't the best food ever, but it was good enough and eatable. Eda tried to keep her distance, and just get through 4 years.

2 years later, life was unbearable for eda, Jack was abusive, and cruel. He'd hit eda for just about anything, but she couldn't leave. One days, eda got a call from the hospital.

"Mrs clawthorne?"


"I'm calling from.. The hospital, wed like to you, tomorrow"

"Oh?.. Is everything alright"

"It's better if we talk when you get here"

The phone hung up and eda sighed, hoping everything was okay, but luck wasn't in her favor, because right then, Jack walked in the house, looking completely drunk, hair messy, clothes wrinkled, and eda got a chill down her spine. "H-hey-dolly~" he said, as he attemptes to grab eda, but she stepped out the way. "W-whats wrong with you?.." Eda asked in a hushed tone. "Dont speak to me that way!!" Jack yelled, Ed flinched at the sudden yelling, then Jack grabbed her by the waist. "L-let go!.." Eda pleaded. Jacks grip on her tightened, and eda didn't like it. Her eyes stared Welling up. "No.. Your mine, doll" he said in a drunk voice, and a sinister smirk. "Please!.. Let go of me!.. I don't like this" eda said, ad a few tears went)down her cheeks. But Jack didn't listen. He dragged her to the room they shared, and closed the door, all you could hear was.. You know what, and eda screaming and crying yelling "no" and "stop" over, and over. And over again. Her suffering stopped after about an hour. She was on the floor, with a jacked, and sweat pants she had out on, listening to the special song.. From her previous.. Affection filled relationship.

The next day, eda took a shower, and a few pain pills. "And where are you going, doll?" Jack asked, eda teard up when seeing him. "T-the hospital.. To check on my parents" she explained. "Alright, but remember.. I hear everything" he said, taking her hand, with her ring on it. Eda shuddered, and got ready. She covered her bruises with makeup, and dressed in a jacket, T-shirt, and sweat pants.

When eda got to the hospital, she saw her sister there as well. Eda smiled when seeing her, and Lilith did the same. "Edalyn! Oh wow are you alright?" She asked with a smile. Eda smiled and nodded. A fake smile.. But a smile. "I'm fine.." Eda said, putting her hand in her pocket. Then a doctor came up to them "hell, are you two here for Dell and Gwendolyn clawthorne?" She asked. "Yes.. We are, are they alright?" The doctor gave a sad look, which worried them both. "Your parents.. Are brain dead" the doctor said, eda and Lilith almost started crying on the spot. "W-what?.. What do we do about this!?.." Eda asked. "Unfortunately.. We have to pull the plug"the doctor explained. Eda and Lilith started crying, and in the mist of it, Lilith spotted eda's ring. "E-edalyn.. Are you married?.." Lilith asked. Eda froze at that very moment, and just nodded. Lilith was so confused, she k ew eda and Raine broke up, and it had only been 2 years.. So who could she have married so quickly? Eda looked at her ring and saw it blinking. Jacks words excited through her mind
Remember.. I hear everything..

Out of no where eda heard the last voice she wanted to hear. "Hey doll, how are ya?" He asked, then kissed her on the cheek making eda flinch. "Edalyn.. Who is this?" Lilith asked. "I'm her husband.. Who are you?" Jack asked. "I'm her sister.. " Lilith said, eda looked in Liliths eyes, with a look that was pleading for help. Lilith saw, and kept a straight face. "Edalyn I do need to go now, but il call you to plan our parents funeral" Lilith said, then walked off, the minute she was out of sight her expression changed from calm, to angry, and disgusted, her sister needed help, thats all she needed to know

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