chapter 4

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"Eda.. Do you trust me?" Raine asked, in a sad tone. Eda's eyes widened, she was heart broken Raine would think she didn't trust them. "W-what?.. Of course I trust you! Where is this coming from!?.." Eda asked. "Eda.. Your..hiding things from me..i don't know what's wrong.. And that's the problem" Raine expressed.  Eda sat there in shock, she didn't mean to make Raine feel this way. "I.. I want to help you.. So please.. Tell me what's going on?.." Raine pleaded, eda could see the sadness in their eyes, but she couldn't bring herself to do it. She looked down, ashamed of herself. Raine stood up slowly. ".. I can't do this anymore.. I'm sorry eda.. It's over" they said, close to tears. As Raine started walking awa, eda suddenly, had the strength, to get up and grab their hand.  "Raine.. D-do you not love me anymore?" Eda said, as a few tears slipped from her eyes. Raine smiled, and and took her by the waist. "Me..? Stop loving you?.. Impossible.. But.. I have to let you go..i love you to much.. To watch you suffer" they said, then kiss her on the cheek.  Era watched as Raine walked away, and fell to her knees, she sobbed quietly, and of course.. It started raining. 

After about an hour, eda picked herself up.. And walked home.  As soon as eda got home, she took a shower, and dried her hair to avoid getting a cold, then crawled into bed, into a, depressed, pathetic ball of singleness. 

Later in the night, eda was about not go to sleep, when she heard someone at the door, eda immediately jumped up, and fixed her hair, and went to her door, thousands of questions running through her mind. Was it rains? Had they come back for her..? No. When eda opened the door, it was the rich couple, but this time with a male that looked her age. "Hello dear!.. We're so sorry to bother you this late, but we thought maybe if you saw our son, you'd reconsider" the woman said. "Nice to meet you doll, I'm jack" he said, then told eras hand and kissed it.  Eda cringed so hard she felt so contaminated.  Eda quickly shut the door, and subbed the life.. Out of her hand.

After a few more weeks of work, and dealing with a break up, eda wasn't.. The most stable person. Eda was working at the cafe, while fixing man's order. "Alrigh here's your card back, would you like your receipt?" Eda asked. The man didn't answer and tried to walk away. "I'm sorry.. THE FUCK!? I didn't realize I was speaking an ancient language from fucking mesapotania!" Eda yelled and grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him back. "I. Am not! An automated voice messaging system you can just hang up on! Answer the damn question, or il snap your credit card in front of you.. and eat it!" Eda yelled, the man was shocked. "n-no thanks.." The man said, and ran away.

Later on in the day, a random costumer came up to eda with a complaint. "Excuse me.. I just ordered a salad and.. You put the dressing on the side.. I wanted it on top"  the woman complained. Eda sighed and covered her face. "I understand.. That all you have rattling around your skull is a single fucking skittle.. But here me out. Put the skittle to good damn use! And put the dressing ON the salad!"  Eda said, the woman sighed, and put the dressing on the salad and walked away.  Later on, another woman, came up to eda with another complaint. "The food was dry! And I ordered the red velvet cookies with almond milk! Not dairy milk! And now you've lost me as a consumer!" She said, eda's eye twitched hearing this. "Does it look like I give a single flying.. Twirling, spinning FUCK!!? Oh no barbra I'm really gonna miss the 5 cents you used to tip me on a 120 dollar order! How ever will I buy a gumball now!?" Eda said sarcastically. 

Later on, Eda was called to her bosses office. "I'm sorry edalyn, but your fired, I'm getting complaints that your being rude" eda held the back of her neck. "I mean.. I know I can be.. Abrasive" eda mumbled. "I'm sorry, but my decision is finale" he said. Eda sighed. "Fine.. But I hope you know your wife is fucking a teddy teddybrear because you don't have the balls to satisfy her" eda said, ad she walked out the door.

Weeks went by, eda also lost her second job, she couldn't pay the bills, or hospital fees.. She was desperate.
Then Lilith called.

"Hey lily.. "

"Edalyn? Is everything alright?"

"Yeah yeah! Everything is fine! Hows college?"

"Hm.. Demanding, are you doing okay working?"

"Absolutely!.. "

"Well good job! I'm proud of you! Tell Raine and Darius I said hi"

"W-will do"

Eda hung up and looked at all the bills, then the number of the rich people.. Then did the unthinkable.. She picked up the paper, and called them..

"Hello?.. Mhm.. Yes I.. Changed my mind"

The next day, eda met with Jack and his parents.  "We are so happy you reconsidered!"  The man said, the Jack got down on one knee, and asked. "Will you marry me?" Eda looked down, and sighed.. "Yes.. "

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