Chapter Five

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               The air was still when you woke. You weren't on the plane anymore, but in a bed. Someone's bed. You slowly sit up and eye around the room. Blackout curtains covered the two windows to your right. There was a nightstand on each side of the queen bed. Straight ahead was a closet and to the left was a door that looked like it led to a bathroom. All the way over on the left wall was another door. You assumed this was the entry way into the bedroom. You swing your legs over the left of the bed and just sit there, listening. You could hear muffled chatter and laughter coming from the house. You assumed this was a two-story house and the party was downstairs.

You attempt to stand up and wince at the pain. Your thigh reminded you that you needed to pace yourself and take things slow. You drop your head and breathe in and out deeply. Your heart started to race when you heard footsteps coming towards the door. Your breathing hitched when you heard someone turn the handle and open the door up. It was Soap. Your anxiety was still on high alert considering you didn't know what their intentions were for you.

Soap must have seen the look on your face and slowly approached you. "Hey" he says calmly. He holds both of his hands up to show you that he means no harm. "I came up here to check on you. That was a nasty wound on your leg".

You scoff, "You can thank your buddy for that one".

Soap chuckles, "I do believe you started it first."

You roll your eyes. You didn't have the energy to argue. Soap reaches into his front pocket of his pants and pulls out this small black box. He opens it and pulls out a white pill. He reaches his hand out with the pill in hand in front of you. "Take this. It's an antibiotic to help you prevent any infections".

"What if you're trying to trick me and this is the magical pill that kills me?" you retort.

Soap let out a weak laugh, "Darling, I'm not the one you need to worry about killing you." You looked at him with a confused look while his hand is still outreached in front of you. You cautiously take the pill from him and hold it in your hand.

"I don't have anything to take this with" you tell him.

He reaches behind him and pulls out a water bottle. You assumed he had it stuffed in one of his back pockets. You take the water bottle and twist the top – making sure the seal breaks. Once you're sure this was a brand-new bottle, you put the pill in your mouth, take a swig of water, throw your head back and swallow the pill.

Soap watches you to make sure you take it. You even open your mouth wide and stick out your tongue to reassure him. "See" you say.

Soap laughs and reaches out his hand to you. "You hungry?" he asks. You hadn't even thought about food, but him mentioning it made your stomach rumble. You took the invitation, and he helped you out of the bedroom.

"Whose room am I in?" you ask him.

"Ghost's" he says with a smirk.

You felt like you were about to pass out. Your legs became weak, and Soap catches you.

"Hey, slow steps" he tells you.

You attempt to stand up and hold onto his right arm. You both make your way out of the bedroom and turn left. You go down this hallway and there are doors on each side of the hallway. At the end of the hallway, the layout opens up. The stairs are to the right, but you have to walk across this catwalk where you can overlook on either side to see the house below. The house was beautiful, and you were shocked that 141 lived in a place like this. The living room was huge and that was what the catwalk hung over.

"You okay?" Soap asks as you both get ready to go down the stairs.

You don't look at him, but you nod your head. One by one, you slowly make your way down the stairs. Your left arm still holding onto Soap and your right on firmly gripping the railing. The guys were still laughing and carrying on whenever you finally got to the bottom. It sounded like they were either watching TV or playing a video game. A lot of talking shit back and forth and joking around.

Everything went quiet whenever Soap cleared his throat to make his presence known. Everyone turned around and stared at you both.

"She has risen!" one of the guys on the couch said. They were definitely playing a video game cause this guy had a headset on his head. Whenever he said this, all of them held up their beers to what seems like to salute you. Everyone but Ghost. You caught his eyes, and he didn't deter from you. You swallowed hard and he narrowed his eyes at you. He took note of you and yet he was still wearing that damn mask. He was sitting in a chair with his legs spread wide.

Finally breaking eye contact, it had dawned on you that your clothes were baggy. You looked down and seen you were wearing a large black shirt that went down to your thighs and shorts. Wait, these weren't short, they were boxers. You also noticed that you were not wearing a bra either. You looked back up to the group of guys and all eyes were still on you. Your face flustered. Yes, you were petite, but you were blessed in the right areas.

You quickly cock your head to Soap and whisper, "Um, who's clothes do I have on?"

"Ghosts" he replies with that same smirk.

You froze. "Who um, who dressed me?" You hated to even ask this knowing that you probably already knew the answer. Soap's grin grew wider, and he replies "Ghost".

You swallow hard again, and your head turns back to Ghost. His eyes are still locked on to you. Luckily, everyone else went back to what they were doing before. Being boys.

Soap brings you back to reality whenever you feel him starting to walk. You are still holding onto his arm for support, and he leads you to the kitchen. Even though you didn't look at him again, you could tell that Ghost kept his eyes on you.

Your stomach started to cramp at the sight in front of you. You couldn't remember the last time that you had ate real food and everything not only looked delicious but smelled heavenly.

On the stove, there were Steaks, Baked Potatoes, Shrimp, Green Beans, Rolls and a yellow cake with chocolate icing. You almost wiped your mouth from salivating. Soap led you to the table and sat you down.

"Tell me what you want, and I'll fix your plate" he says.

Without skipping a beat, you reply "Everything".

He throws his head back and laughs, "The girl has an appetite. I like that. You will fit right in". He turns and heads toward the stove.

It took a second what he just said to process in your brain. "Fit in?" you throw back at him.

He grabs a plate and starts piling the delicious food onto it. Without missing a beat or turning around he answers you, "Yes ma'am. You don't really have many options. It's either become part of our team or we take turns torturing you until your body gives up".

You sit there stunned. You flutter your eyes as you fight back tears. You weren't going to cry anymore. You were tired of crying. You cleared your throat to speak. Before you could open your mouth, Soap was back over to you sitting your plate on the table in front of you. You look up at him and your attention was cut short whenever you seen Ghost approach, pull up a chair and sit down across from you.

You looked at him with wideset eyes and noticed that he had a folder in his hand. He sets it on the table and slides it to you. Out of reflex, you stop it before it reaches you. "What's this?" you ask.

"The reason why you are 141 now".

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