Chapter Sixteen

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               A gentle touch woke you up. You slowly open your eyes and feel that you are still laying on Ghost. You look up at him and see that sometime in the middle of the night, he put his mask back on. He stares at you with soft eyes, but still holds onto you. Butterflies filled your stomach and your face flushed. You removed yourself off him and got out of bed.

His eyes watched you as you bent down to grab your shorts. His eyes undressed you as you continued to put on more clothing. Your face heated up even more when you lifted your shirt to pull your shorts up and he seen a full view of your ass. His breathing became heavier and the warmth between your legs made itself known.

You didn't look back in his direction, feeling that there was already too much tension in the room. Your stomach growled killing the silence between you two. A part of you could thank yourself because that gave you a reason to leave the bedroom without making it any more awkward than it already was.

You leave without looking at him and make your way downstairs. The smell of bacon filled your nostrils and the pit in your stomach became more aggressive. You step into the kitchen glancing at Soap as he puts bacon into the sizzling pan.

"Do you always do the cooking?" Humor in your voice as you walk to the fridge to get you a glass of orange juice.

"Majority of the time, but I enjoy it" he replies with a smile.

"I couldn't tell." Your sarcasm caused him to snicker. You walk over to the plate where some of the bacon was already cooked and steal a few pieces. A mouse like scream escaped your lips when he swatted your hand with the pair of tongs he was using to flip the bacon.

"Alright Gentleman" Price said from the table. He stopped and looked at you, "Lady." You snorted and continued eating your bacon, "Wheels up in two hours. I'll give the details once we board the plane."

You look around and see everyone in the kitchen except for Ghost. You turn around to head up and tell him, but as you turn, your body was met with what felt like a brick wall.

"Sorr-"you go to say as you look up and see him. He doesn't say anything and just stares down at you. His eyes weren't as soft as a while ago, but they weren't as harsh as they had been.

"Want any eggs LT?" Soap asks him.

"No." Just a flat no. He breaks his eye contact and walks by you and towards Price. Mumbled chatter filled your ears from them, but you couldn't make out what they were talking about. You turn and head back upstairs to get ready. It took almost an hour to shower, fix your hair into two Dutch braids again, brush your teeth, get into your gear, pack your back and head downstairs.

Everyone was downstairs getting their weapons and anything else they might need. You head downstairs, grab your guns and a few knives.

"No big bang this time Reaper?" Gaz jokes with you.

"Not this time Gaz. Maybe next time" you reply with a wink.

Everyone finishes up and loads up in the Jeep. Ghost rode shotgun and you were stuck in the back with Soap and Gaz. Thoughts of last night replayed on repeat in your mind on the way to the airport – how gentle he was with you. How he held you and made you feel safe. How he held your face, and you didn't want to pull away, but rather pull him more towards you.

The thoughts quickly left your mind as the Jeep came to a stop by the plane. You all get out, grab your bags, and load up. You look up to realize that this wasn't the normal plane that was taken before. This was a jet.

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