Chapter Six

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               Your face went pale from Ghost's words. Why in the fuck would you willingly join 141? You carefully pick up the folder. You let out a deep sign when you opened it up. Tears filled your eyes whenever you seen it was your family's folder. It was definitely classified and why they were letting you see it, you couldn't figure out yet.

You quickly closed the folder and slammed it down on the table. "Why?!" you yell at him. "Was stabbing me in the leg not enough?! Was holding me down against my will not enough?" you continue with tears coming down your face.

Ghost glares at you and Soap is looking back and forth between you and Ghost. "Watch your fucking mouth" Ghost said breaking the silence. You went to open your mouth to retaliate, and he quickly shut that down. "Tread carefully little mouse". You clenched your jaw and glared daggers at him. You were disappointed in yourself because you knew if it was anyone else, you wouldn't take this shit.

You breathed out to relieve some tension and Ghost took note of it. "Good girl" he says. You just glared. You could see out the corner of your eye, Soap smiling and to make matters worse, you noticed that the whole house was now quiet. You look towards the living room and the game that was being played prior, was now paused and everyone was looking at you and Ghost.

"Open the fucking folder Harley" Ghost tells you.

You slam your hand down on top of the folder and snatch it up; giving it away that you had an attitude. You could hear Ghost chuckle to himself under the mask. You kept eye contact with him until you opened up the folder. At least by maintaining eye contact, you felt like you still had some pride left.

Once you had opened the folder again, you scanned over the documents. You would skim over them and furrow your brows in confusion, look up at Ghost and then repeat. You set the folder on the table and started flipping through the pages and pictures. It hurt like hell to see the horror again, but something in you kept telling you to keep going.

You looked over files that had your family history and even childhood information about you. Once you started getting towards the end of the file, you read something that drained the blood from your body.

"Task force Trinity intercepted Traywick. Three dead, one alive. Teenager – beaten badly. Probably PTSD and trauma. Trinity cleared Traywick database and drained their accounts."

You look up at Soap and then to Ghost. "I-I don't understand" you tell them.

Soap took a step towards you, "I don't know how to put this nicely lass, they ki-"He was cut off by Ghost.

"They had a target on your family's back. They had been watching them for a year or so and waited until the perfect time. Mainly for you" he says.

You pull your head back and furrow your brows, "Me? What the fuck do I have to do with anything?"

"Trinity waited until you were almost an adult to do this because they wanted to mold you. They wanted to make you their best soldier, and they did. They have been trying to kill 141 for a long time now" Ghost tells you.

You shake your head back and forth. "Thi- This doesn't make any sense to me. Why me? I'm not that fucking special."

"Because they knew you would do anything and kill anyone that stood in your way until you got the justice you felt like you deserved. Michael planned this out and if you keep reading, you will see how long Trinity has been around. He, they used you Harley".

You stare at Ghost while he tells you all this. You glance back at the file and skim through the last bit. It was true. According to this file, Trinity has been around for over ten years.

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