Chapter Twenty Nine

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"Because I like the way you say my name."

The sentence replayed through your mind over the last few days – and the thought of Ghost not ripping Soaps throat out confused you even more. 'Was Ghost okay with Soap flirting with me?' 'Was Soap trying to get Ghost and I to have a threesome with him?' These thoughts ran over and over in your mind, and you couldn't tell anyone if there was anything that happened on base. Your mind was occupied with other scenarios going on. Dangerous scenarios.

The last few days were just laying low, but really the team was letting you recuperate from you being drugged. It still didn't make sense how this affected you and not the man who claimed he was your dad. You do remember asking Alejandro about it and he went on to tell you how it affects people differently and then started on the affects, but then your mind soon shifted to other 'things' – not hearing a word he said.

Ghost held you tighter at night and made love to you, passionately. You didn't dare bring up anything regarding Soap – not wanting to come off that you wanted him or wanted him to even think you were interested in him, but there was that nagging feeling of why Ghost was so calm about it.

"Price wants to see all of us in the briefing room in five," Rudy said to me. After my incident with the drug 'Dust', Rodolfo insisted that I and everyone else here call him 'Rudy'. He said he felt like he was in trouble when people called him Rodolfo due to his mother using that when he did something wrong.

I get up from the empty cafeteria table, the same table Soap approached me at just three days prior and made my way to the briefing room. The base was quiet, and it was eerie considering we were the only ones here. The staff that cooked, was gone for the rest of the day and it was something about this place that just creeped you out – especially when it was quiet.

You pushed open the doors to the briefing room and everyone had made sure their eyes were on you. You looked around to see you were the only one left. Your eyes find Ghost and he nods his head towards him – letting you know there was an empty seat beside him. You made your way over there to him and sit down. He places his arm on the back of your chair, and you lean in towards him.

"You smell nice," you whisper to him as you take in his scent. You always loved the way Ghost smelled – a hint of cologne and his natural musk. Manly and dominant. The chair beside you slides back just a bit when a body took its seat.

You removed your eyes from Ghost and looked over to see Soap. Your heart started fluttering and your body stiffened. Sure, if you weren't in love with Ghost, you'd give Soap a shot. He was funny and caring, but you were in love with Ghost and the thoughts you were having of just Soap and of Soap an-

"Harley, you with us?" Price's voice rang throughout the room.

Your head shot up and eyes wide, "hm?" you pause looking like a deer in headlights, "Oh! Yes sir. Sorry," you chuckle out a nervous laugh as your face flushes.

You could see Ghost eye you out the corner of your eye, but also took note that Soap cocked his head just enough to see you and placed a small smirk on his face.


Price began speaking again, "We have received intel from Laswell that Michael and his men were spotted in Las Almas selling the drug 'Dust', but its not just that," Price pauses, "We have also received word that he is in the slave trade with young girls."

Your head shot up. Price nodded to Gaz and Gaz flipped the light switch to the room. A projector was on pointed at the wall, as the pictures of Miachel and his men illuminated the whole room. "From what we know, Michael sells this drug and also administers it to the girls," he pauses again, "The same drug that was ingested into Harley."

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