Chapter Two

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               You let out a sigh when you closed the door behind you. You had a feeling that Ghost was going to be a hard one to break. He was 141's best man. The fact that you drove a knife into his leg, and he didn't even let out a whimper really sold you on that. Most of the men that you tortured would have already given you some sort of information by the time the second weapon was brought to their eyes.

You walked down the hallway in this rundown building. Vines and leaves were growing on the walls, and it seemed like every damn corner had water trickling down it. The floors were constantly wet, and in some spots, algae had begun to grow. Your black boots splashed through small puddles on the ground with each step you took. It would be almost impossible for you to sneak up behind someone in this place.

You reached an open area where you and your team decided to "make camp". There were cots against the wall and in the center of the room, a propane tank with a cooker attached to it. Most of the food was from around the villages, but that was aslo an almost two-mile walk. Luckily, this place was in the middle of a jungle – so your only fear was venomous snakes and wild animals. It wasn't the Ritz, but it would do.

Another one of your contractors, Sparks, was sitting on cot throwing a ball up at the ceiling. "You take that damn thing with you everywhere" you say to him. All contractors have their own unique name. It helps with not blowing their cover. Sparks got his name from being so damn trigger happy with his gun whenever he first started as a PMC. Spig's got his name from teaching me that water comes from a "spigot" and not a "spicket". The others just went by their numbers. They were too new and too green to have their own names yet.

He catches the ball and sits up to look at you. "What? It's good luck" he replies with a grin. "Hey, there's a can of potted mean on the cooker" he tells you.

You walked over to the can, picked it up and sat down on your cot. "Heard anything on his team?" you ask him.

"Nope" he says popping the P.

You turn to look at him with a confused look on your face. "That's odd. That's really odd". Sparks just stared at you.

You reach over to the table beside your cot and pick up the walkie talkie. "287 come in." Silence.

"287 come in" you repeat. You look up at Sparks with frustration. You knew what you were going up against whenever you captured Ghost. Unit 141 was the best of the best, but so was your team. You made the organization Trinity several years back whenever your family was murdered in front of you. They spared your life to teach you a lesson and let it be a lesson to anyone else. Since then, you have tried every possible thing to get as close to Unit 141 as you could. Ghost specifically. You remember him being there and that fucking mask.

Static brought you back to reality. "Har- can -y- hea- me". The connection wasn't the best and you figured it was because he was too far out.

"287 I need you to come back to the nest. You're too far out" you reply.

"Copy that" he replied. You let out another sigh and laid down on the cot. You were tired. Mentally, physically and emotionally. Your body ached and so did your mind. You stared up at the cracked ceiling until you were finally able to doze off. You loved to sleep because this was when your mind was finally at ease.

When you woke up, it was dark outside. You jolted off the cot and checked your watch. "Shit!" Three hours had passed. You quickly made your way back down the eerie hallway and towards the tall metal door. As you were about to open it, you could hear movement and talking going on. You pressed your ear up to the door.

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