𝟎𝟐 avengers vs robot party crasher

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❛ Avengers vs Robot Party Crasher ❜

ㅤIt's been a long three days since Sokovia

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ㅤIt's been a long three days since Sokovia. Ella has barely seen Tony and Bruce since then. Both were locked in the lab working on something none of the team knew about. She didn't mind that too much and just let them work, preferring not to bother them with whatever it was they were working on.

Now, Avengers Tower itself was full of lights. Inside, the sound of laughter and conversation filled the air, as guests started to arrive and the mood became more and more lively. Meanwhile, Ella, was pretending to pay attention to the stories Rhodey and Thor were telling to her, Tony and Maria. Overall, she was just distracted, nothing in particular with the story itself.

"But, you know, the suit can take the weight, right? So I take the tank, fly it right up to the general's palace, drop it at his feet. I'm, like, 'Boom. Are you looking for this'?" Rhodey continued, looking around and waiting for the others to say something. "Boom. Are you looking for... Why do I even talk to you guys? Everywhere else, that story kills."

"That's the whole story?" Thor questioned.

"Yeah, it's a War Machine story." Rhodey replied, looking slightly disappointed that no one had laughed or said anything nice about his story. Ella, who was a little distracted by the noise from the party, glanced at the two men, a little confused, since she had only heard half of their conversation.

"It's a great story, Rhodey, don't worry." Ella smiled kindly at him, and although she hadn't heard the story, she knew how embarrassing it was to say something excitedly to someone and not be heard.

"Yeah, well, it's very good then. It's impressive." Thor said politely with a small chuckle, before taking a sip of his beer.

"Quality save." Rhodey replied, laughing a little. "So, no Pepper? She's not coming?" Ella shook her head in denial, and at the same time, Elena approached the five with a can of soda that she handed to Ella.

"What about Jane? Where are the ladies, gentlemen?" Maria asked, looking at Thor. At this point, the rest of them figured that the two would turn this into some kind of competition over Pepper and Jane.

"Oh, Ms. Potts has a company to run." Tony looked at Maria and smiled slightly.

"Yes, I'm not even sure what country Jane's in. Her work on the Convergence has made her the world's foremost astronomer." Thor said, the little competition the rest of them figured would happen already underway.

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