𝟎𝟒 all the comforts of a home

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❛ All the Comforts of a Home ❜

❛ All the Comforts of a Home ❜

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ㅤThe team fell. Silence took over the ship once again, and no one was able to break it. It was not a simple and easy task to ensure everyone's return, since all of them, with the exception of Clint and Tony, had been hit by Wanda's mind powers. Out of all of them, Bruce seemed to have been the most affected. Hulk had lost control in the city and this resulted in the death of some people.

Ella remained silent from the moment Clint found her and helped her get to the Quinjet safely. She had been lost in her thoughts ever since. Now that she was aware that Wanda's illusion was not just an illusion, but rather a memory of something that happened to her, the memories were slowly coming back to her mind. It was all slowly coming back each time she closed her eyes and tried to rest.

She remembers when she was twelve, shortly after the New York battle, when she was still living in Malibu, and how she felt a blow to the back of her head and fell unconscious as she left school. She also remembers waking up in the same cell the vision showed her. She remembers how she tried to escape from the cell in the first few days, even without using her powers, since the cell had some type of mechanism that did not allow her to use them.

She remembers introducing herself as Ella Stark to the Maximoff twins, how they both rolled their eyes when they heard her name, and how they both hated her the first week for being the daughter of the man who was supposedly to blame for their parents' death. She remembers how they became a family when Wanda told Pietro that it was a bullshit to hate a child for something she wasn't to blame for. But she also remembers being tortured in Hydra's cold base. She remembers how Strucker used Loki's scepter on her to enhance the powers she already had. She remembers how Strucker sent her to the Red Room in Russia to train in combat with the black widows, and everything she suffered in the process. Strucker intended to train her as a child, so that when she grew up, she would become his weapon.

She mainly remembers how she met Natasha's adoptive sister in the red room. The subject Yelena Belova came up in several conversations. Natasha's family wasn't something she liked to talk about much, for that reason, only Ella and Clint knew about Yelena and her life before the Red Room. Now that Ella remembers meeting her, she felt like she should tell Natasha, but considering how shaken she was about what Wanda made her see, she felt like it wouldn't be a good time to bring up the subject.

"The news is loving you guys." Maria Hill's voice caught Ella's attention and made her look at Tony who was trying to talk to her without disturbing the rest of the team. "Nobody else is. There's been no official call for Banner's arrest but it's in the air."

𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐄, marvelWhere stories live. Discover now