𝟎𝟗 driving into trouble

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❛ Driving Into Trouble ❜

ㅤQuiet car rides had never been Ella's thing

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ㅤQuiet car rides had never been Ella's thing. Usually she likes to listen to the songs she likes ( most of the time being a Taylor Swift one ) or just have conversations about any topic with Steve, Natasha or Tony, who is usually the one who takes her on trips like that. There were also summers when the Avengers went on field trips, though they were typically full of chaos. They would normally end with Tony arguing with one of them, and although it could be chaotic, Ella still enjoyed it each one of them.

However, she was finding some comfort in the current ride, as she was behind the wheel and honestly? Her head was already noisy—the only thing Tony and Natasha could agree on is that Ella was terrible at driving.

It wasn't more than noon, and she was heading back to the compound with Natasha after a trip to the market. Ella seemed anxious, and Natasha noticed it. She also knew that all the anxiety was partly due to Tony's visit to the compound later.

Tony was unable to attend the last mission due to a lecture for MIT students that would take place on the same day. Since then, Tony hasn't been back to the compound, he's been quiet for a month now, the only person he spoke to was Ella, through phone calls.

"The brake, Ella!" Natasha exclaimed, grappling hold of the car door as the vehicle accelerated at an uncomfortably rapid pace.

"Okay, okay, chill, I'm sorry!" Ella replied with a touch of desperation in her voice, but ended up laughing at the situation, making Natasha look at her with raised eyebrows.

"I don't think you're gonna laugh when that car crashes into a pole." She commented, making Ella roll her eyes. "Happy will become Angry, you know." She added.

"Happy is always Angry, I don't make the rules." She joked and glanced at Natasha momentarily before turning her eyes back to the road. She exhaled and then spotted the compound from a distance. Ella drove the car towards it, arriving in the garage to park. She turned off the car engine and then got out, Natasha following close behind.

They grabbed their purchases from the trunk and headed to the elevator that lead them into the compound. Upon arriving inside the kitchen, they left the bags on the counter and Ella approached the exit. Natasha squinted and asked, "No help, El?"

"Of course, ma'am, I'm sorry." Ella chuckled slightly and approached Romanoff again, starting to take things out of the plastic bags.

"Did you talk to Wanda today? I don't think she's left her room today yet." Natasha asked as she put most of purchases in the fridge. She turned to Ella again and then put away the rest of shopping before opening the fridge and grabbing a bottle of water.

𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐄, marvelWhere stories live. Discover now