𝟎𝟖 all's well that ends well (?)

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❛ All's Well That Ends Well (?) ❜

ㅤDespite one's capability to shut one's eyes to those things one doesn't wish to witness, one possesses no such capacity when it comes to one's emotions

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ㅤDespite one's capability to shut one's eyes to those things one doesn't wish to witness, one possesses no such capacity when it comes to one's emotions. As such, one's heart remains open to those emotions and feelings, be they positive, or negative, and one is entirely unable to prevent or control such emotions from surfacing and coming to the forefront, despite one's best efforts to do so. You can shut your eyes to the objects you may not wish to witness, however you cannot seal your heart off to the emotions that you aren't intent on feeling.

It was morning when the plane landed on Nigerian soil, in Lagos. Ella, Wanda and Natasha were sitting at tables in an outdoor food court, wearing casual clothes in order to blend in among the crowd and avoid attracting attention. Meanwhile, Sam and Steve were split into different locations-Steve was in a hotel room, keeping an eye on the surroundings through the window, while Sam had taken up a vantage point on the roof of a nearby building, also keeping vigilance for anything out of the ordinary.

Ella sat across from Wanda, holding a glass of strawberry milkshake in her hand while keeping her change money in the pocket of her suit, that was underneath her casual clothes. Wanda added a small packet of sugar to her cup of coffee, stirring with a spoon. She looked around herself and at the same instant, Steve's voice was heard over the comms, "All right, what do you see?"

"Standard best cops. Small station. Quiet street. It's a good target." Wanda answered him, before taking a sip of her own coffee.

"There's an ATM on the south corner, which means," Steve said, watching the commotion outside the room window.

"Cameras." Ella added, moving the glass in her hand in a circular motion before bringing the straw to her mouth and taking a sip.

"Both cross streets are one-way." Steve informed them, and this made Ella look up again, which had previously been fixed on the movement of the plastic cup.

"So, compromised escape routes." Wanda concluded, observing Ella's behavior.

"Means our guy doesn't care about being seen. He isn't afraid to make a mess on the way out. Steve explained before completing his sentence with a question, "See that Range Rover halfway up the block?"

"Yeah, the red one? It's cute." Wanda commented in sign of approval.

"It's also bulletproof. Which means private security, which means more guns, which means more headaches for someone. Probably us." Natasha joined the conversation, glancing at the duo. Her voice made Ella snap out of her own trance.

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