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Hello everyone! My name is Sophia and I like to act,write,and take pictures! I'm bisexual and love this ship sm🥲 that's enough about me I'm going to introduce who all is in this story! I hope you enjoy it! 🫶🏻
Introducing everyone!
Albert is a short, brown haired and brown eyed individual, he is gay and loves to wear beanies and hoodies. he's a YouTuber with 12.1M subscribers and his "best friend" is Denis.🫶🏻

Denis is a tall,brown haired and brown eyed individual, he is bisexual, and he is also a YouTuber and has 9.36M subscribers. His "best friend" is Albert.🫶🏻

Those are the two that are going to be in the story more then the others I'm not going to put a bio on the others just there names because I'm lazy🥲






OK! That's it for introducing everyone go to the next chapter and start reading the fanfic/story! I HOPE YOU ALL HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY AND I HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS STORY!

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