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My heart was pounding out of my chest as I said that...I don't know why I said that I guess I am just scared but still I really don't know what to think... "albert, of course I'll stay you don't have to worry come here" Denis said as he held his arms out for me. tears formed in my eyes as I hugged him."shhh it's ok albert, your ok." I hear Denis say softly "t-thank you..." I say as I snuggle my head into Denis's chest still hugging him "your welcome Albert, come on let's go to bed." He said as he lead me over to the bed and sat me down. Denis sat down next to me and layed back I followed his steps "are you feeling better Al?" Denis said in a worried voice "yeah..." I said reassuring him I'm fine. I turn away not facing him anymore trying to sleep, then I feel spare of strong arms wrap around me pulling me close "Denis what are you-" i tried to say as my face got hotter, Denis put a finger on my mouth and shushed me "shh it's okay just go to sleep" Denis said softly pulling me even closer to him then I already was.

I woke up this morning with Albert in my arms still asleep 'todays the day,I'm going to tell him I love him!' I said in my head "Albert~" I whisper in alberts ear "hmm.." I heard him hum turning towards me snuggling into my chest ' god he's adorable' I thought to myself "Albert, come on it's time to wake up." I say holding him close to my chest "five more minutes..." I hear him say.

I started to set up hoping he would finally get up "noooo denis..." I hear him pout "don't leave.." I hear him say as he started to set up "don't worry I'm not." I say turning to him as I stood up "come on let's go downstairs" I say as I let out a hand for him "ok." Albert said taking my hand standing up ,but this time when i grabbed his hand I didn't let go. I look over at Albert to see his face bright red "albert, are you ok your face is red?" I say worriedly "huh-oh-uh-y-yeah I'm fine.." I hear him say nervously, we get downstairs and sit on the couch "hey,albert?" I say looking at albert

"yeah denis?" I hear him say "I uh...I love you." I say looking into his teddy bear brown eyes "w-what..?!" He said nervously "I love you albert" I said again " love me?" "Yes of course I do I've always had I love you so much Albert." I say still looking at him "I-I love you t-too..." Albert says that nervously blushing a bright red "Albert, will you be my boyfriend?" I ask "YES!!" Albert says jumping onto my lap hugging me tightly I chuckle at his actions "I love you so much Al." I say hugging him close to me "I love you to!." He says smiling, I kiss him holding him closer then before. The kiss lasted about 30 seconds before I pulled away for air, saliva connecting our lips once again, I then hear Albert moan into the kiss I smiled at the sound he had made and grabbed his hips tightly.

Ok know really this is not the last chapter obesity the next chapter with be out soon I'm just busy with school and all that rn so it's kinda hard for me to update this story and focus on my study's ANYWAYS I LOVE YALL BYEEEEE.🫶🏻

Word count:641

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