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This is going to be mostly Alberts pov but I'll switch to Denis's pov a little bit to! I hope you enjoy this story!

It was 11:32am and I had just woken up to my alarm,it was soooooooooo loud so I attempted to turn it off but I mostly was just hitting air instead of hitting the snooze button "UGH" I yelled as I got up and threw my phone, it still didn't turn off. I got up and grabbed my phone and pushed snooze, after I turned my alarm off I headed down stairs and sat on the couch. I then heard my phone go off, i picked it up IT WAS DENIS! I was so excited I quickly answered the call

"Hey al." Denis said as I answered the call "HEY DENIS!!!!" I screamed into the phone "woah! Your really happy today!" " YEAH I AM IM JUST SO HAPPY TO TALK TO YOU!" I yelled into the phone again " oh really~?" Denis said in a flirty voice " MHM!" I hummed "OH AND DENIS GUESS WHAT!" I said excitedly "WHAT?!" He yelled into the phone back "IM MOVING TO CANADA SOON!" I screamed loudly into the phone once again "Wait...YOUR MOVING TO CANADA?" Denis questioned loudly "YEP I SURE AM IM MOVING THERE IN A FEW DAYS!" "Oh my goodness Albert I'm so excited to see you!" Denis said "I'm excited to see you too!" I said not yelling this time "where are you going to stay/live?" Denis asked " I didn't really think about that.." I said answering his question a little embarrassed "well you could come stay with me!" Denis said happily "oh are you sure Denis i don't want to be a burden too you?!" I said in a soft tone "YES IM SURE! Your never a burden at all! I love having you over you can stay as long as you need and want!" Denis said "Ok!" I said excitedly "I have to go pack I'll call you back later!" I said to Denis "Ok bye Albert I lo-" Denis cut himself off as he was talking "BYEEEEE" I yelled,

I started to think about when Denis cut himself off while he was talking, I just shrugged it off and went to go pack.

I almost told Albert I loved him. I mean I do but I'd rather tell him in person I'll just tell him when he comes to live with me. I'm so excited to see him, I'm excited to see his precious little face again, hes perfect.


I decided too go get a room set up for Albert, as I was finishing up the room and finishing getting everything ready for alberts arrival my phone started to go off, it was Albert! I answered the call "hey Denis!" Albert said sweetly "hey albert!" I said back "I'm so excited to see you!" Albert said excitedly "awe that's cute~" I said in a flirty way "wha-what?" Albert said nervously "I'm excited to see you too al!" I said happily "I just got done setting up your room." I said "oh! And I just got done packing!" Albert said in a loud voice 'he's so sweet' I thought to myself "so what are you doing know?" I asked " just sitting on my couch, what are you doing?" He answered and asked "laying in your bed" I answered "why my beddd?! Anyways, I have to go make a video! Bye Denis!" Albert said " Ok Bye Al!" The phone hung up

"I love you..."

WOWZEERS! That took a while! Well I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter! Have a wonderful day!

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