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i'm sorry i haven't made a chapter in a while but i hope you guys like it🤍

denis woke up at 8:57am with a sleeping albert snuggled into his chest 'god he's adorable' Denis thought to himself "sweetheart, it's time to wake up." Denis said softly into alberts ear trying to wake him up "mmmm.." albert groaned burying his head more into Denis' chest "albert, come on wake up." Denis said sternly, no answer. just silence "baby, wake up come on" Denis said again, about 3 minutes later Denis started to sit up pulling albert up with him, Denis got up placing the half asleep smaller male on the edge of the bed

albert yawned and rubbed his eyes then looked up at Denis with sleepy eyes"morning, babe!" albert said happily, Denis smiled at the happy little man "good morning, baby" Denis said turning too the closet trying to find something to wear "hmm" Denis hummed he then grabbed a pair of shorts and a tee-shirt for himself then he grabbed a hoodie and jeans for albert "here you go, my love" Denis said handing albert the clothes he had picked out for him "what are these for?" albert asked confused "there for you to wear." Denis said "i'm too tired, i'll put them on after a nap." albert said laying back. Denis chucked walking over to albert raising him up. "here i'll put them on for you~" Denis said in a flirty way, Denis then started to take albert shirt off as he did so he admired his boyfriends body putting his hoodie on the smaller male, then after putting his hoodie on him moving down to the jeans. he started to take alberts shorts off then slipping his jeans onto him.
Denis' clothes were quite big on albert but Denis found that quite cute "there, now im gonna change okay?" Denis said grabbing his clothes"mhm,," albert hummed his cheeks red as he realized what had just happened.

Denis started to take his shirt and shorts off then grabbing his shirt, as Denis was changing albert looked up at his body mesmerized at the sight of him "like what you see?~" Denis teased albert albert just nodded and looked away trying to hide his face from the taller male, after Denis finished changing he went over to albert and sat down next to him "i love you albert, i love you so goddamn much." Denis said staring into alberts beautiful brown eyes "i love you too deni!" albert said looking up at Denis, his eyes glistening in the light. Denis smiled and put his hand up to alberts chin and lifted it up and then kissed him, the kiss lasted about 12 seconds before they pulled away "come on let's go down stairs" Denis said standing up holding his hand out for albert to grab, albert grabbed his hand and stood up as well.

it was about 1:15 and albert and Denis were just sitting on the couch, Denis had his arm around albert and albert was laying his head on Denis' shoulder "Denis, i'm boardddd!"albert said in a pouty but high pitched voice "well, what do you want to do then?" Denis asked putting his phone down to look at albert "well, what do you want to do?" Denis asked curious to see what alberts answer was "i don't know, but i wanna do something fun!" albert said happily "i have an idea~" Denis said with a smirk "ok, what is it?!" albert asked despite for his answer "well, how about we go to a bar?" Denis asked obviously knowing exactly what he wanted to do "uhm, yeah sure we can go that sounds fun!" albert says shooting up from the couch running over, and putting his shoes on excitedly.

'god, how did i get to lucky?' i thought to myself as i watch my beautiful boyfriend rush around in excitement "calm down, baby we're just going to a bar" i say with a chuckle "I MNOW BUT IM JUST SO EXCITED I DONT EVEN KNOW WHY!!" albert said jumping up and down trying to get me to hurry up 'oh my goodness he's beautiful and so sweet ugh i cant take it' i thought to myself staring at my VERY excited boyfriend "alright, alright i'm going come on" i say walking over to albert and grabbing his hand and leading him to the front door.

i grabbed my shoes and keys and walked outside with albert practically attached to onto my arm "i love you so much, my love" i say opening the car door for albert "i love you too deni!!" albert said smiling up at me i looked down at home and smiled before crouching down and kissing his lips, i them closed the door and heard to the driver side of the car and got in.after getting in the car i turned it on and then i moved my hand to alberts inner thigh squeezing softly "d-denis!" albert stuttered as i look at him smirking, albert started to pout in defeat

"your adorable." i say turning my head back onto the road

(thank you guys so much for supporting my story i really appreciate it!🫶🏻 the next chapter will be out soon!)
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