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🥲ermmmmm I have no idea what I'm doing ngl🤪☝️🚨(TW SMUT KINDA NOT REALLY)🚨

I grabbed alberts hips tightly as I did he moaned into the kiss once again I began to get an erection.(someone kill me😭) after about a minute we pulled away for air "I love you so much Albert." I say as I went for his neck, I began to attack his neck all over as I did I heard Albert moan continuously "d-Denis..." I hear him say I move away from his neck "yes love.?" I say staring into his adorable brown eyes "c-can w-we take things a little slower please?..." he asked shifting in my lap "of course we can, anything for you~" I say moving my hands to his waist "thanks deni!"
He said burying his head into my chest "god Albert your so fucking adorable" I say kissing his forehead "t-thanks." The smaller male said flustered "are you hungry?" I ask moving one of my hands to his chin lifting it so his face is close to mine "i-uh-sure.." he said flustered by my touch "is someone flustered~?" I say playfully "n-no!" He says looking away again

I laugh standing up grabbing his hand leading him to the kitchen "wanna make breakfast together?~" I asked smirking to myself "sure!" He says happily heading over to the fridge 'god damn he has a fat ass~' Denis thought to himself (SOMEONE SHOOT ME IN THE HEAD)

"what do you want to eat deni?!" Albert asked turning his head towards me "anything you want, baby" I say looking at him admiring his features "ok!" He says turning back to the fridge "hmmmmm..what do I want to eat.??" He asked himself. I walked over and hugged him from behind placing my chin on his shoulder "hey Albert?~" I whisper into alberts ear "y-yes..?" He asks sounding flustered "I love you~" I say grabbing his waist "I l-love you too..!" Albert said grabbing the bacon then heading over to the counter.

it was about 4:18 and me and albert where just sitting on the couch cuddling and watching youtube together "hey denis?" albert asks looking up at me "yes, darling? i ask looking down at him
"am i... am i a bother to you?" albert asks as he looked down "what?, no of course not your not a bother at all, why do you ask?" i ask lifting his chin up to face me

"well....i just wanted to know because not a lot of people treat me nice and most of them think i'm annoying and i don't want you to think i'm annoying.." (sorry if that doesn't make sense)
albert says looking down once again "albert your not and never will be a bother to me and you aren't annoying, not one bit" i say reassuring him "ok.." he says as he lays his head onto my chest
closing his eyes beginning to fall asleep "i love you albert, and i always will my, sweet boy" i say kissing his forehead and running my fingers threw his hair 'he's adorable' i think to myself. After a few minutes i began to get a little tired and begin to fall asleep as well.

finally another chapter done i hope you guys enjoyed this a new chapter will be out soon BYE!🫶🏻

word count:573

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