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I'm sure y'all think this story is shit.🥲 but I'm trying my best, I hope y'all at least kinda like it ig!?🫶🏻

We arrived at Denis's house I was still asleep when we had gotten there "Albert wake up" Denis tried to wake me up "Albert." No answer from me "Albert sweetheart~wear home." He said "jokingly" I started to wake up as he was shaking me "what did you say,I didn't hear you.." I said while yawning "oh nothing~" Denis said holding out a hand to help me out of the car "aww thanks Denis!" I said taking his hand, I blush a light shade of pink at his touch.

He helped me stand straight up and let go of my hand I felt a little sad that im not in his touch anymore...we start to walk towards the front door Denis gets out his keys and unlocks the door "we'll wear here" he says walking in the house "wow Denis you changed your house around a lot! It looks nice." I say as I admire his clean house "aw thanks Al" he thanks me "your welcome." I say, it was about 7:38 when we got to Denis's house " hey al are you hungry?" Denis asked me "uhmmm" I say not knowing if I am or not "not really." I said answering Denis's question " ok" he says " that's fine, what do you want to do?" He asked ANOTHER QUESTION (so many questions😭) "hmm, do you want to watch a movie?" I ask "sure!" He says

I swear how dose Albert not realize I love him, I mean I flirt with him all the time. Ugh I'm just going to tell him-or~ I can play a scary movie so he gets scared and cuddles into me. That's a great idea! How do I come up with theses. I wish I could call Albert "sweetheart" without him thinking it was a joke...and I wish he heard me earlier "HEY DENIS WHAT MOVIE DO YOU WANNA WATCH???" Albert screams "WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING?" I ask "i don't know I just wanted to yell" he said shrugging "ok?, well I'll put on a movie." I say answering his question "ok!, what movie thought?" He says looking at me with a tilted head 'god he's so cute' I say in my head "oh you'll see~" I say grabbing the remote and sitting on the couch "oh ok." Albert says sitting next to me on the couch, I put on (insert scary movie) and set the remote down on the coffee table "Denis.." albert said in a nervous but serious tone "Yes albert?" I say as I turn my head towards him

"this looks scary, and you know I hate scary movies!" Albert says with a pouty face "I know you do." I say laughing he just kept pouting and turned his head back towards  the tv. I stared at him for a minute before looking back at the tv. I decided to get another idea in my head 'maybe if I put my arm around him he would cuddle up next to me' I didn't think another minute before I put my arm around the smaller boy next to me pulling him closer to me. A scary bit of the movie comes on and Albert gets scared and hooks on to me tightly putting his head into my shoulder "hey hey, albert are you ok?" I say worried "t-turn it off please,t-turn it o-off!" Albert says in a scared tone, I quickly grab the remote and turn the movie off I then set the remote down and grabbed Albert and hugged him rubbing conferring circles on his back try to calm him down.

"Albert I'm sorry I didn't know you would get this scared." I said hugging him tighter "I-it's ok I-I'm sorry for g-getting so scared..." he says looking up at me "sweethe- I mean Albert you don't have to apologize everyone gets scared I'm sorry for putting on that movie." I say reassuring Albert and apologizing "I-...I-.." Albert tried to say something "shhh it's ok Al come on let's just go to bed.." I say standing up and grabbing alberts hand and leading him up stairs "here's your room." I say opening the door "o-ok.." albert says I turn to leave but then I feel something grab my wrist "d-Denis.." albert said "yes?" I say turning to him

"Please d-don't leave..." albert Said


WOAH THAT TOOK A WHILE I left you guys off with a cliffhanger💅 the next chapter with be out soon LOVE YALL!🫶🏻

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